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Issue date: 
DECEMBER 18, 2009

Indonesian Firm Picks Green Fuel Not Mill

JAKARTA—PT Medco Energi, Indonesia's largest private oil-and-gas producer, has scaled back plans for a large pulp and paper mill and other forestry investments in Indonesia's remote Papua province at a time of growing global concern over the impact of deforestation on climate change.

Issue date: 
24. März 2010

Canada: Biomass District Heating and Beyond

These days residents of Finnish cities, towns and villages, nestled among thick forests and thousands of cold lakes, are kept warm by wood.

Issue date: 
26 February 2010

EU rules out binding green criteria for biomass

The European Commission yesterday (25 February) ruled out binding EU-wide sustainability criteria for biomass, offering member states recommendations for national action instead.

Issue date: 
Feb. 24, 2010

Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Worldwide Consumed 75 Million Tons of Woody Biomass for Energy in 2009

Seattle, USA--February 23, 2010--Over the past few years, there has been a rapid, worldwide expansion in the consumption of renewable energy by the pulp and paper industry. Numerous pulp and paper plants have made the strategic decision to invest in the equipment needed to make the switch from fossil fuels to woody biomass fuels. Global consumption of biomass increased by 51% between 2006 and 2009, according to an analysis done with FisherSolve™ (Fisher International).

UNEP Report: REDD and Renewables are key...

A new study, launched on the eve of UNEP's Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum taking place in Bali, Indonesia, has analyzed the pledges of 60 developed and developing economies (more Information on the 11th Special Session of the UNEP GC/GMEF)

Issue date: 
February 16th, 2010

The New US Federal Program BCAP is Intended to Increase the Supply of Woody Biomass

Issue date: 
February 16th, 2010

Weyerhaeuser & Mitsubishi jointly exploring biomass

Issue date: 
15th February, 2010

Jatropha is no miracle plant for hungry farmers

Everyone wants an alternative to fossil fuels, but in our rush to develop biofuel alternatives, we risk creating even worse problems for ourselves

Issue date: 
Andrew Wasley

Jatropha biofuels: UK investors sell controversial crop as 'green'

UK fund managers are selling investments in jatropha plantations as a wallet-swelling, planet-saving financial bonanza. But the reality for poor farmers is very different

Issue date: 
15th February, 2010

Jatropha biofuels: the true cost to Tanzania

Billed as wonder crop, the establishment of jatropha plantations on the ground in Tanzania has been far from successful, or, in some cases, ethical

Biofuel investment and production in Tanzania is a highly contentious issue.


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by Dr. Radut