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Farmers protect climate by doing Forestry

Austrian Farmers have taken care of both - Farmland and Forests - since centuries because of the close interconnection of agriculture and forestry. Holistic land use management is obligatory for every Austrian farmer. Therefore it's not quite new for Austrian Farmers what the World Agroforestry Centre is concluding:

Critical/valid climate negotiation issues as of September 2009

On the other hand, as one reads through this newsletter, one can see a number of clear pointers as to how the future is likely to look. These are:

Don't Demonize Deforestation - sovereignty matters as well!

October 2012, a note by the editor of ForestIndustries.EU: Although we wrote this article years ago, recent studies proof us to be right. The study "Forests or Agriculture: not necessarily an ‘all or nothing’ trade-off" came up with some interesting conclusions although the authors put higher emphasis on "emission reductions" than an "povertry reductions"...

UK: Woodland creation part of national Low Carbon transition strategy

July 15, 2009: The UK has released its Low Carbon Transition Plan. The Plan plots out how the UK will meet the cut in emissions set out in the budget of 34% on 1990 levels by 2020.

EU grants € 4.5 million to EFI in order to push FLEGT

June 23, 2009: European Commission contributes € 4.5 million to EU FLEGT Facility hosted by EFI to fight illegal logging

US-Repräsentantenhaus segnet Gesetzesentwurf zum Klimaschutz ab

Freitag, 26. Juni 2009: Der Gesetzesentwurf zum Klimaschutz (HR 2454) passierte mit 219 zu 212 Stimmen das US-Repräsentantenhaus wobei 8 Republikaner dafür und 44 Demokraten dagegen gestimmt haben.

Radioaktive Holzpellets aus Litauen?

Sonntag, 14.6.2009: In Italien sind 10.000 Tonnen Holzpellets aus Litauen wegen möglicher radioaktiver Verschmutzung vom Markt genommen worden. Wie die italienische Tageszeitung "La Stampa" heute berichtete, wurde die Rückrufaktion am Vortag von der Staatsanwaltschaft im norditalienischen Aosta angeordnet.


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by Dr. Radut