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Rural development

Issue date: 
18 April 2011

Why the International Day of Peasants' Struggles is important

Europe - Land cover country analyses

On 29 March 2011, the European Environment Agency (EEA) published 36 land cover country analyses based on CLC 2006 data. Each of the country reports provides graphs and maps based on a common template that characterise land cover changes concisely. The provided information does not represent reporting from the Countries, however it is based on validated CLC2006 data.

Issue date: 
Apr 15, 2011

Comparison of improved and traditional cooking stove user in terms of firewood consumption

Issue date: 
Mar 9, 2011

Land monitoring in the EU

European authorities develop a strategy to coordinate their data on land cover and land use

Issue date: 
27 January 2011

Forests and poverty: the latest thinking

Gill Shepherd, IUCN Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy Thematic Adviser on Poverty and Landscapes, speaks on the latest thinking on forests and poverty, drawing from lessons that have come out of IUCN's innovative 'Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy' (LLS).


Issue date: 
10 Jan 2011

Lessons from REDD+ for Agriculture

Momentum is growing to develop agricultural solutions to climate change, including at the international level.

Issue date: 
15 Apr 2010

India has more mobile phones than toilets: UN report

India's mobile subscribers totalled 563.73 million at the last count, enough to serve nearly half of the country's 1.2 billion population.

Issue date: 
September 2010

World Bank Caught in Controversy Over Suspect Carbon Credits

A storm has been brewing for months in an obscure corner of the carbon-trading world, and it's now raging into full public view.

Issue date: 
June 14, 2010

Industrial Farming Slows Climate Change?

That's the conclusion from a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Issue date: 

InterCooperation: Forests, landscapes and governance

This publication brings together the views and experiences of practitioners working in forestry and governance in a large number of countries around the world.


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by Dr. Radut