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Survey and Guidance Notes for Submission of Information for REDD+ Partnership Database

External Reference/Copyright
Issue date: 
August 26, 2010
Publisher Name: 
Forest Carbon Portal
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August 26, 2010

REDD+ Partnership

From: REDDPLUS PARTNERSHIP [mailto:reddpluspartnership@gmail.com]
Subject: Survey and Guindance Notes for Submission of Information for REDD+ Partnership Database
Sent: Thu 8/26/2010 5:07 PM


Dear Stakeholder,


With the agreement of the work program in Bonn, the Interim REDD+ Partnership is now ready to move forward on operational measures.
Specifically, the co-Chairs would like to continue the work commenced by Australia, France and PNG on the development of a database of REDD+ financing and actions.

As stated in the work program, the database will provide transparency and accountability and will also serve as a foundation for identifying gaps and overlaps in financing and technology.

We respectfully request that all Stakeholders submit and/or update data to the FMT of the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the PT of the UN-REDD Programme by 10 September 2010, please use the following email




Please find attached the survey and guidance notes which will help you to provide information for the database.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your input.



Junya Nakano

Federica Bietta





Through this survey, we are attempting to build as comprehensive picture as possible on REDD+ financing, activities and implementing arrangements. We encourage organisations to make their best efforts to complete as much of the survey as possible, but realise that availability of information will vary for each participant.

More specific guidance on each section of the survey follows.


Section 1: Background

The background section of the survey is intended to provide some high level details on your organisation’s approach to REDD+.

  • Please fill out this section to the best of your ability to provide context for the remainder of the survey.


Section 2: Options for improving coordination and implementing arrangements for REDD+

Participants are invited to provide comments in this section on how multilateral institutions, bilateral partnerships and national REDD+ implementing arrangements are working.

  • Please also provide specific suggestions in your responses to help inform the development of an interim REDD+ partnership.


Section 3: Current sources of finance.

Please provide details of which, if any, funding mechanisms, research partnerships or NGOs your organisation is financing to support REDD+.

  • If any of the listed institutions are not relevant for your organisation, please leave blank.
  • If you require more space to list all of the institutions/initiatives that you are financing, please insert additional rows into the table, as appropriate.
  • In the details column, please provide a brief description of what activities the financing is supporting.
  • In some instances, financing may relate to more than one of the proposed categories. If so, please list all relevant categories.
  • Noting that organisations have different financial years, please make your best effort to provide the financial break down over the nominated period. This will assist in compiling statistics.


Section 4: estimated additional financing

This section is intended to provide details of your organisation’s country specific partnerships and financing, as appropriate.

  • Please list each country you are financing, and where appropriate, provide details of the different activities or projects you are supporting in that country.
  • If you require more space, please insert additional rows into the table, as appropriate.
  • In some instances, financing may relate to more than one of the proposed categories. If so, please list all relevant categories.
  • As noted above, we recognise that organisations have different financial years. Please make your best effort to provide the financial break down over the nominated period, as this will assist in compiling statistics.
  • Please provide details of any other countries or organisations that you are working with to implement these REDD+ activities on the ground.


Next Steps

So that this survey may provide a useful input into the Paris – Oslo Process, we encourage participants to return their completed surveys to the focal points at the earliest opportunity.

Responses to the survey should be submitted by 10 September 2010 at the latest. Please submit to the following email addresses:




Please provide contact details, as requested in section 5 of the survey. This will help to ensure that we have the correct contact details for your country. Completion of this section also signals your agreement that the information you have provided may be published in a synthesis report and on made available on a public website.

If you require any further information, or assistance in completing the enclosed survey, please do not hesitate to contact the Interim REDD+ Partnership co-Chairs.

Name: Ms Federica Bietta
Email: fbietta@rainforestcoalition.org

Name: Mr. Junya Nakano
E-mail: junya.nakano@mofa.go.jp


Extpub | by Dr. Radut