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Papier- und Zellstoffindustrie

A new pulp mill in Uruguay?

May 18, 2009 - Stora Enso and Arauco have signed a definitive purchase agreement with the Spanish pulp producer Grupo ENCE for the joint acquisition on a 50/50 basis of approximately 130,000 hectares of owned land and plantations, 6 000 hectares of leased lands and other operations owned by Grupo ENCE in the central and western areas of Uruguay. 

Indonesian P&P industry up!

Vietnam P&P production up!

Origin of text

Paper production increases 12%


Energy wood prices at same level as pulpwood prices

19th of May 2009: Hawkins Wright has published the first report about Forest Energy - The Forest Energy Monitor (Text from archive for Downlo

What drives the Paper Industry?

10th of May 2009: Has the North American paper industry gone completely bonkers this spring? (Not that it was ever a particularly sane industry).

Paper & Power - The new old business model

A rescue plan for Canada's forest industry

To say that times are tough in the Canadian forestry sector is a gross understatement. With the U.S. housing collapse and global financial services meltdown, the sector has lost 50,000 jobs and more than 250 mills over the past two years.

Graphic paper demand Europe down

US Black liquor subsidies worries sector

A federal program intended to promote the use of renewable fuels is instead encouraging U.S. paper companies to pursue some rather "un-green" practices, such as substituting virgin pulp for recycled pulp.

Vietnam to supply China and Japan with wood chips


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by Dr. Radut