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Issue date: 
February 1, 2012

New tool promotes forest offsets to consumers

Canadian Reforestation project developer Taking Root has come up with a new online tool to help its offset buyers explain and promote their offsetting commitment to their own customers.

The CO2 Responsible communications kit is designed to help businesses get full value from their decision to offset their carbon emissions and tackle climate change, and promote the benefits of Taking Root’s social reforestation project in Nicaragua.

Issue date: 
January 06, 2012

World Bank’s New Greenhouse Gas Accounting Methodology Approved by SCS

Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) has assessed the World Bank’s new methodology for estimating the emission reductions resulting from adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.

Issue date: 

Better Forest Data Lends Confidence to Carbon Markets

A study published in Nature Climate Change this week measured both the biomass of different types of tropical forests and the emissions lost via deforestation, providing more accurate data than was previously

Issue date: 
February 2, 2012

Carbon Source or Carbon Sink: Greenhouse Gases in the Tropics

The lush vegetation wrapping the center of the globe is one of the most important features for regulating a stable climate in the world. Much excess CO2 emissions from industrialized regions find their way to the equator to be absorbed by abundant CO2-consuming plant life.

Issue date: 
January 25th, 2012

Can carbon finance protect forests and prevent climate change?

Some of our clients will remember that The CarbonNeutral Company started business in 1997 trading as Future Forests, and will know that our services have always recognised the central role played by ecosystems in maintaining a stable climate.

Issue date: 
Jan. 26, 2012

CO2 emissions traded to help Tohoku region

Firms that emit greenhouse gases but also want to help revitalize business in the Tohoku region following the Great East Japan Earthquake are being drawn to participate in a carbon dioxide offset trading scheme.

Issue date: 
Jan 27, 2012

Carbon Forestry 2012 planned for Australasia

What a year it’s been for those involved in carbon markets. A raft of new legislation, a jump followed by a dramatic drop-off in carbon pricing and then a slow-down in trading.

Issue date: 
January 18th, 2012

China lowers carbon floor price as CER prices crash

China has lowered the minimum price foreign companies must pay for Chinese carbon credits for the first time since 2008, but traders say the move is unlikely to have much impact as it will remain twice as high as current carbon prices.

Issue date: 
January 17th, 2012

SocGen cuts carbon price forecasts by over 22 pct

ociete Generale on Tuesday lowered its price forecasts for European Union and U.N.-backed carbon, citing an over-supply of emission units, a worsening EU economic outlook and an expansion of low-carbon energy sources.

Issue date: 
January 18, 2012

Rainforest in Transition: Is the Amazon Transforming before Our Eyes?

The Amazon rainforest is in flux, thanks to agricultural expansion and climate change.


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by Dr. Radut