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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
June 30, 2011

Terra Global Capital Signs Groundbreaking OPIC REDD Insurance Contract

Issue date: 
Jun 19, 2011

ANALYSIS-Hopes fading for climate agreement

BONN, Germany, June 19 (Reuters) - "Ask for a camel when you expect to get a goat," runs a Somali saying that sums up the fading of ambitions for United Nations talks on slowing climate change -- aim high, but settle for far less.

Issue date: 
June 19, 2011

Ahead of meeting, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) loses another supporter

The forest organization, FERN, has pulled its support from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), reports FSC-Watch. FERN has quit the increasingly troubled organization due to FSC pursuing carbon credits through forestry. The FSC loses FERN just weeks before its 6th General Assembly, in which FSC partners—including private corporations and some environmental groups—will meet to debate current practices.

Issue date: 
21 Jun 2011

Japan solicits ‘REDD+’ projects under bilateral scheme

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Meti) said on Monday that it has begun to solicit avoided deforestation, as well as other projects aimed at reducing non-energy related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, under a bilateral offset mechanism.
Issue date: 
June 15, 2011

Carbon credit pitch sunk

A PROPOSAL to keep Tasmania's native forests standing in exchange for billions in carbon credits has been rejected by the State Government, Liberal Opposition and Forestry Tasmania.

Issue date: 
14 June 2011

Conflict of interest? World Bank's role in global climate fund causes outcry

As developing countries and civil society groups continue to warn against World Bank influence in the design and management of the new Green Climate Fund (GCF), further criticism is emerging of existing Bank climate initiatives.

Issue date: 
June 17, 2011

PG&E carbon offsets come from protected forests

California's largest utility promises its customers green salvation through its ClimateSmart program.

Issue date: 
June 21, 2011

Trees for crops 'will not halt warming'

PARIS: Schemes to convert croplands, or marginal lands, to forests will make almost no inroads on global warming this century, a new scientific study says.

Issue date: 
Jun 13, 2011

Deforestation Credits Achieving Premium Prices, CF Partners Says

Carbon credits from projects to halt deforestation can achieve “premium prices” compared with other types of voluntary offsets as demand is set to quadruple in the next three years, according to CF Partners.

Issue date: 
June 8, 2011

Bolivia Criticizes Market Mechanisms in the Cancún Agreement and REDD

Bonn, Germany – On Monday, a two-week long round of UN climate negotiations, lasting from June 6 to June 17, 2011, kicked off in Bonn, Germany. The talks will prepare for the way for the COP 17, which takes place November 28, 2011 to December 9, 2011 in Durban, South Africa.


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by Dr. Radut