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Issue date: 
August 29, 2010

From outer space, a new dilemma for old-growth forests

Issue date: 
06 September 2010

Forest carbon stores may be massively overestimated

Rainforests may store much less carbon than we thought. It could be time to dramatically revise our estimates following the discovery that apparently similar forests hold vastly different amounts of the stuff.

Issue date: 
September 2010

Updated standard provides new guidance for using forests to address climate change

Version 3.2 of the Climate Action Reserve’s Forest Project Protocol continues to ensure integrity of forest offset projects

Issue date: 
6 September 2009

The charcoal carbon pool in boreal forest soils

Forest fires release significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere1, but also convert a fraction of the burning vegetation to charred black carbon.

Issue date: 
Aug. 25 2010

The US way of rescuing our climate...

For individuals and business, air travel is a fact of life. The world is our playground and we are not going to stop exploring new places and opportunities.

Issue date: 

Let's get serious about soil carbon

POLITICIANS of all persuasions have had a hard time being nice to farmers in ways that don’t upset larger, more vociferous and vindictive sections of the voting public.

In this campaign, they seem to have discovered the key: carbon!

Issue date: 
16 August 2010

Australia mulls foreign-linked carbon offset scheme

The Australian government is proposing to allow foresters and farmers to create carbon offset credits for international sale into foreign emissions trading markets. Prime Minister Julia Gillard launched the policy on the weekend, part of campaigning ahead of a federal election on August 21.

Issue date: 
July 29, 2010

Worry over foreign "carbon foresters"

Foreign-owned "carbon foresters" have ambitions to turn a fifth of New Zealand sheep and beef farmland into forests and that will devastate many rural towns, the national farmers' lobby says.

Federated Farmers president Don Nicolson said the organisation strongly believed that farm forestry was integral to farms where suited. This made the government's axing of the Afforestation Grants Scheme (AGS) in preference to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) "incredibly perplexing".

Issue date: 
10 August 2010

Delivering biochar's triple win

Last year, there seemed to be an unwritten rule in enviro-circles: whenever two or more enviro-folks were gathered together in a place of meeting, talk must turn to biochar.

Issue date: 
August 5, 2010

Forest carbon needs climate deal: Study

Afforestation and reforestation (A/R) activity to restore tree cover, a key component of the REDD+ mechanism and overall fight against climate change, risks grinding to a halt in the next two years i


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by Dr. Radut