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Issue date: 
May 13, 2010

FACTBOX - U.S. climate bill backs forest offsets

REUTERS - A compromise U.S. climate bill unveiled on Wednesday will allow between 500 million and up to one billion carbon offsets into an emissions trading scheme aimed at cutting U.S. greenhouse gas pollution.

Issue date: 
May 10, 2010

Liberia: REDD readiness planning on its way

After years of darkness as a failed state, Liberia is rebuilding its state institutions, determined to rejoin the international community. Unfortunately, no amount of reforming zeal of a single small country can overturn the threat of climate breakdown or rising tides.

Issue date: 
May 4, 2010

EcoSecurities: Forest carbon offsetting report 2010

Issue date: 
May 9, 2010

Implications of Climate Change Agreements on Forest Management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

Abstract: Concerns over the rapid increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, under which 5.2% reduction of the global GHGs emissions was committed.

Issue date: 
May 4, 2010

A REDD dawn in India

The mechanism of REDD has not yet been officially implemented in India, though there is considerable scope of its implementation, considering the extent of India’s forest cover. However, there is also potential for its misuse, as well as plenty of challenges.

Issue date: 

Video: REDD explanations

On April 21th, 2010 a public debate on Forestry, Climate Change, and Poverty will take place at Litteraturhuset, Oslo.

Issue date: 
May 4, 2010

Annual Progress Report on REDD-plus enablers – 2009 – for the Norway-Guyana MoU

The report on the Norway-Guyana MoU is an unusual event in the normally secretive apparatus of government in Guyana.

Issue date: 
4 May 2010

Forest Investors Grapple with Sustainability

Investor interest in forestry is building, driven by climate change concerns, shifting and growing markets for forestry products – and the good, old-fashioned portfolio diversification benefits of an asset class which weathered the financial crisis much better than most and which offers stable long-term returns. But, argue sustainable finance experts, barriers to monetizing the environmental attributes of the sector remain high – both retarding investment but also generating opportunities for early movers.

Issue date: 
May 04, 2010

Climate Talks in Bonn Made Some Progress, Envoys Say

May 4 (Bloomberg) -- Mexican and German efforts to bring together delegates from more than 40 countries helped push climate negotiations forward even though they produced no tangible achievement, Germany’s environment envoy said today.


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by Dr. Radut