WWF seems to have some demand for explanation in regard of it's operations in tropical countries.
There was a broadcasting of the a german state television (ARD) [2] |
Infinite confidence in WWF The WWF is the largest conservation organization in the world. There is almost limitless faith in his green projects. With rousing campaigns aimed directly at the WWF's good conscience of the donor - everyone should participate if endangered species or the rain forest will be saved for protecting the climate. The largest conservation organization in the world 50 years ago, the WWF was founded - on 11 September 1961. Today, the WWF's is the most influential lobbying organization for the environment - worldwide. Thanks to excellent contacts to politics and industry. A constant balancing act between commitment and venality. Documentary filmmaker Wilfried Huisman spent almost a whole year on a film that will demystify the green image of the WWF. The eco-author discovered a world of stories full of explosive force. The other side The documentary will explore the mysteries of the WWF. It becomes a journey into the heart of a green Empire and shaken faith in the panda. A co-production of WDR and SWR |
The ripost of the WWF |
In terms of the indigenious people problem in Papua New Guinea |
and ►Palm oil [4] |
A month later Global Witness [7] published a report namend "Pandering the Loggers [8]" in which similar cases against the WWF where reported. “WWF should publicly disassociate itself from any company using timber from illegal or unethical sources. It’s shocking that one of the world’s most trusted conservation groups deems it acceptable to take money from such companies,” said Picken. read further here... [9] The response of the WWF: "Nonetheless, as with any criticism leveled at the organisation, WWF and GFTN are taking the allegations seriously and we intend to examine Global Witness’s recommendations in detail. Should we find any of them to be justified we will respond appropriately. We are constantly striving to improve our performance and accountability wherever possible and companies caught flouting the rules and spirit of GFTN will of course be removed from the network" continue to read here... [10] A second response by the WWF: [11] In response Global Witness’ report Pandering to the Loggers released on Monday 25 July, WWF issues the following statement: The WWF in a response to the Bruno Manser Fund... [13] GFTN - Indonesia strongly and categorically disputes the findings and related conclusions that form the basis of the Global Witness (GW) report, particularly in the context that the WWF “greenwashes” companies that conduct natural forest management in Borneo continue to read here... [14] TFT has also responded on the Global Witness report: "A recent Global Witness report on WWF’s GFTN programme has in particular targeted Malaysian company Ta Ann. This company has replied with a statement refuting the allegations and claiming the legality and origin of its timber had been verified by TFT." continue to read here... [15] |
Here you can find some further readings regarding |
Or you might be interested in our BLOGs at all...► [25] |
[1] https://forestindustries.eu/global-witness-against-wwf-struggle-power-has-broken-out-now
[2] http://mediathek.daserste.de/sendungen_a-z/799280_reportage---dokumentation/7495082_der-pakt-mit-dem-panda--was-uns-der-wwf-verschweigt
[3] http://www.daserste.de/doku/beitrag_dyn%7Euid,0suwq2mshunzgo89%7Ecm.asp
[4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUTpSGjUYL8&feature=related
[5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQotxaU0q_g&feature=relmfu
[6] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJRj0Lt2QqE&feature=relmfu
[7] http://www.globalwitness.org/
[8] http://www.globalwitness.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/Pandering_to_the_loggers.pdf
[9] https://forestindustries.eu/wwf-timber-scheme-allows-illegal-logging-forest-destruction-and-fails-prevent-human-rights-a
[10] http://www.wwf.org.uk/news_feed.cfm?unewsid=5136
[11] http://gftn.panda.org/?201292/Updated-WWF-statement-on-Global-Witness-report-Pandering-to-the-Loggers
[12] http://gftn.panda.org/?201129/WWF-response-to-Global-Witness-report
[13] https://forestindustries.eu/wwf-%25E2%2580%259Chighly-concerned%25E2%2580%259D-about-ta-ann-corruption-allegations
[14] http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/08/11/letter-editor-wwf-clarifies.html
[15] https://forestindustries.eu/global-witness-report-ta-ann-clarification
[16] http://news.mongabay.com/2011/0724-hance_wwf_gftn.html
[17] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-poynton/panda-bashing-reflections_b_941707.html
[18] https://forestindustries.eu/sustainable-forest-management-tropics-%E2%80%93-panacea-folly
[19] https://forestindustries.eu/sustainable-forest-management
[20] https://forestindustries.eu/european-union-eu-isnt-able-or-willing-get-idea-forests-issues
[21] https://forestindustries.eu/../../redd
[22] https://forestindustries.eu/redd-conservation-not-deal-all
[23] http://www.forestindustries.eu/taxonomy_vtn/term/228
[24] https://forestindustries.eu/taxonomy_vtn/term/238
[25] https://forestindustries.eu/../../blogspanel
[26] https://forestindustries.eu/category/topicsthemen/forestry
[27] https://forestindustries.eu/category/forests-w%C3%A4lder/illegal-logging
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