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Issue date: 

REDD+ plans presented successfully

PARAMARIBO - John Goedschalk, the President’s climate adviser, is proud with the approval of the REDD+ preparation plan by the World Bank. “I’m proud that the project plan is a real Surinamese product.

Issue date: 
25. March 2013

Suriname secures first funding for REDD+ participation

PARAMARIBO–Suriname has secured approval for its Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP 2013) and will receive US$ 3.8 million to prepare for participation in the United Nation’s REDD+ initiatives that focus on reducing emissions from deforestation and enhancing forest carbon stocks.

Issue date: 
March 15, 2013

Towards Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes in Suriname

Suriname is an interesting example when considering development of sustainable agricultural sector in the context of a landscape approach; one that considers multiple demands from scarce land resources, such as food and fuel, and preserving nature.

Issue date: 
April 13, 2012

Traditional Slash and Burn Agriculture Sustainable Solution to Climate Change

Climate change is the result of not behaving in the right way according to the isolated Trio, an indigenous people living in Suriname’s Amazon forest near its border with Brazil.

Issue date: 
September 2010

Suriname: Forest Resource assement 2010

In  many tropical countries  forest are destroyed to expand timber, mining and agricultural industries and are  affected  by  infrastructure  investments  such  roads  and  dams.  Deforestation  rates  in  Suriname  have been historically low due to the low population pressure and relative remote

Issue date: 
March 20, 2012

South American Environment Ministers Meet On Amazon Environment

Environment Ministers from eight South American countries are meeting for a two day summit, starting Tuesday, to discuss actions to protect the Amazon rain forest,

Issue date: 
February 15, 2012

$780M eco-system protection fund launch

The Surinamese government has warned donors to stop treating the issue of eco-systems as mere handouts.
John Goedschalk, of Suriname’s Climate Compatible Development Agency, made the call on Monday during the launch of the Guyana Shield Facility, a fund to protect the ecosystems in the Guyana Shield region which includes Guyana, Suriname, Colombia and Brazil.

Issue date: 
1 December, 2011

Forested countries need reassurance that “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off

Developed countries must commit to long-term climate financing and encourage multiple funding pathways to reassure forested countries that their “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off.

Issue date: 
21 August 2011

Suriname follows Guyana in climate change policy making

PARAMARIBO— Neighbouring Suriname is following in Guyana’s footsteps by formulating policies to counter the impact of Climate Change.

Issue date: 
July 31, 201

Indigenous peoples in Suriname still wait for land rights

Legal rights and recognition for the diverse indigenous peoples of Suriname have lagged behind those in other South American countries.


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by Dr. Radut