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Russia will not increase roundwood export duties

...for Finland

Wednesday, June 10th 2009:

Vladimir Putin just confirmed not to rise export duties on roundwood for Finland as long as the economic downturn crises lasts.

Both Governments concluded a bilateral timber trade commitment reports Business Support Bureau "Runa"

Monday, 10th of August 2009:

President Dmitry Medvedev called for “intensified talks” with Finland

Is the US interested in REDD?

House panel approves climate change bill

Reporting by Tom Doggett and Richard Cowan, Source:  Copyright 2009, Reuters, Date:  May 21, 2009
Original URL

Energy wood prices at same level as pulpwood prices

19th of May 2009: Hawkins Wright has published the first report about Forest Energy - The Forest Energy Monitor (Text from archive for Downlo

Climate change might reverse forests carbon sinks

Apr 23, 2009: New study warns that forests are at risk of becoming net sources of carbon instead of net sinks

Die EU hat ihren LULUCF Vorschlag vorgestellt...

Der Vorschlag der EU gibt den EU Staaten viel Freiheit - hoffentlich wird diese Freiheit in Österreich diesmal zum Wohle der Volkswirtschaft genutzt!

AWG-KP 7 Climate talks in Bonn finished

The seventh session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP 7) has been finished...

LULUCF - First country submissions 09

Parties have submitted their views on further LULUCF treatment!

Die ersten Länder haben ihre Stellungnahmen zur zukünftigen Behandlung des LULUCF Sektors abgegeben!

LULUCF-Nachfolge und Österreich

Es wird ernst: Am 15. Februar 2009 war Abgabetermin für die ersten normalen Stellungnahmen der Staaten zum Nachfolgeprotokoll von LULUCF. Der Bereich LULUCF wird und wurde in der AWG-KP viel diskutiert – österreichische Beiträge dazu findet man allerdings nur sporadisch. Somit ist klar, dass jetzt etwas geschehen muss – spätestens bis Mitte 2009 sollten die Länder wissen, was auf sie zukommt und welche Optionen für sie die besten sind.

FLEGT - what is the EU fighting indeed?

Why isn't EU selling FLEGT as such as it is?

Nowadays most of EU's programs is

  • fighting climate change or/and
  • combating the world economic crises

This knows no halt, not even for initiatives like fighting illegal logging - FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) in short.

FLEGT - a short reflection

September 2012 - a note by the Editor of ForestIndustries.EU: We wrote this article more than three years ago. Many significant events happened since then and a huge amount of new knowledge has been collected by the global community.


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by Dr. Radut