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Forest Products Industry

International Hardwood Conference review

Australian timber industry news - Mo, 18/11/2024 - 01:36
On 7-8 November the 10th edition of the International Hardwood Conference was held at the Hilton Vienna Park in the Austrian capital. The Conference was hosted by the Fachverband der Holzindustrie Österreichs, which co-organized the event with the two usual partners: the European Organization of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) and the European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF). Source: Timberbiz The event drew many participants from 26 countries all over the world. Participants had the opportunity to attend an interesting study tour – the group visited three companies, including the innovative parquet company Weitzer Parkett, Mühlbauer Holz, a leading timber merchant in Austria, and TEAM 7, which produces top-notch, custom-made solid wood furniture. The conference was opened by an economic overview provided by Christoph Schneider of the Economica Institute. Mr Schneider showed that increasing global tensions are having a negative effect on stability. Businesses will operate in an increasingly challenging environment but there will also be opportunities such as mainstreaming of artificial intelligence. Silvio Schüler of the Austrian Research Centre for Forests delivered an insightful presentation on European hardwood forests. The share of hardwood forests is rising across Europe and with climate change trees are growing faster. Forests’ health is key for a stable provision of raw materials to the hardwood industry. However, climate change and forests pests are threatening forests’ vitality. Adapting forest management to these changed conditions is very important as well as increasing material uses of hardwood. Presentations about the market situation around the world were delivered in the second session of the conference. In their introducing remarks, Mrs Maria Kiefer-Polz, EOS Vice-President for Hardwood, and Mr Ad Wesselink, ETTF President, argued that in Europe the last couple of years were quite challenging for the hardwood businesses. The big question mark for operators in the sector is whether the market has bottomed out and 2025 can really be the year of recovery. The hardwood businesses are also adjusting to a new cost structure amid higher costs for energy, personnel, equipment etc. Michael Snow of the American Hardwood Export Council showed that 2024 is a quite difficult year on the other side of the Atlantic as well. Production in the United States has been on a long-term declining trend due to weak home demand for basically all hardwood applications. Exports to overseas countries are sluggish but, overall, slightly better than US demand. However, subdued Chinese demand is taking a toll. In his presentation about the Chinese market, Mr James Xu of Shanghai AM Forest Products stressed the importance of using new sales channels such as local social media to maintain market share in the challenging Chinese. Innovative sales methods are really gaining momentum in China. Jean-Christophe Claudon of the International Timber Trade Organization delivered a presentation about tropical wood. Tropical sawnwood production as a share of overall global sawnwood production has been relatively stable over the last 30 years at around 13/15%. A very relevant market for the hardwood industry – the parquet market – is also going through a difficult period, as Ms Isabelle Brose showed in her presentation on trends in the European parquet industry. The sector is focusing on incremental innovation such as, among other things, water-resistant, acoustic and smart wood flooring. In the Q&A session, better promotion of products is seeing as crucial for the future of the sector by presenters intervening in the morning, particularly as younger consumers are increasingly sensitive to environment-friendly products such as sustainably produced hard-wood. Mr Harald Mauser of the European Forest Institute gave an overarching presentation on the impact of EU legislation on the forestry sector. Unfortunately, an impact assessment calculating EU legislation costs for the sector is missing, also considering that policies affecting the sector are on the rise. On a brighter, the reduction of administrative burdens is one of the targets of the new European Commission, but it remains to be seen how this will be applied in practice. The enhanced stress on a circular bioeconomy provides opportunities for the sector but the policy framework needs to be coherent. Dialogue with decision-makers and the wider public will be vital for the woodworking industry, including for the hardwood industry. The audience was then treated to two relevant panel discussions. A crucial topic of the conference, the EU Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR), has been addressed in the first panel discussion and preceded by a comprehensive introductory presentation delivered by Franz-Xaver Kraft of GD Holz. The announced “entry into application” delay expected to be approved soon by the EU Institutions has been unquestionably welcomed by the international timber industry, which is working hard to implement the challenging requirements imposed by the EUDR. Certification schemes such as PEFC and FSC, which were also on stage, offer valuable support for companies aiming to comply with the EUDR by providing traceability frameworks, risk assessment tools, deforestation-free standards, and documentation that align closely with the regulation’s requirements. While companies may need to implement supplementary due diligence measures, certification schemes provide an effective foundation for ensuring compliance with the EUDR and reducing the administrative, legal, and logistical challenges associated with the new regulation. The second discussion was very inspiring and focused on innovation in the hardwood sector. The speakers’ interventions focused on innovation in hardwood furniture and construction, both on the possible uses for hardwood in construction and on the potential for wood-based hybrid constructions. The last session has been opened by an overarching presentation on possible new material concepts for the hardwood sector. You can download presentations at https://ihc2024.at/presentations.html  

Global Market Conference – raw material supply challenges

Australian timber industry news - Mo, 18/11/2024 - 01:35
Robert Allinson, UK Sales Manager, UPM Plywood, gave delegates at the TDUK Global Market Conference an overview of the Finnish softwood plywood sector, outlining its importance to the UK market, and the recent changes seen since the pandemic. Source: Timberbiz He also highlighted raw material supply as one of the biggest challenges currently facing the industry, along with rising costs and high log prices in particular. UPM Plywood manufactures high-quality WISA plywood and veneer products for a number of industries, including construction, vehicle flooring, shipbuilding and other industrial applications. It owns seven mills across Estonia and Finland, owns 900,000 hectares of forests in total, 600,000 of this within Finland and also manages 500,000 more. Forestry is a significant industry in Finland, which has an overall forest cover of 75% – or 22.8 million hectares. This compares with 39% forest cover across the EU, and just 13% in the UK. “Finland is reasonably unique in that 60% [of its forest cover] is in private own-ership. There are about 620,000 individual forest owners, which for a population of about 5.6 million is about one in nine – so obviously Finland is culturally very invested in forestry. Around 15.9% of all exported goods from Finland are from the forest product sector,” Mr Allinson said. The UK imported around 1.16 million m3 of plywood in 2023. Around 321,000m3 of this was softwood plywood, 12% of which came from Finland. Hardwood plywood imports were 839,000m3, of which Finland contributed 2.7%. Mr Allinson noted that Finnish plywood imports to the UK have fallen since their high in 2021, but that this largely followed the COVID disruption seen across large parts of the industry. “Interestingly, the value of the softwood imports into the UK from Finland is about £16 million, and hardwood is about £26 million, reflecting the high value of some of those birch products,” he said. This year for Finnish exports a lot of markets have been very strong. “The birch side of things is up slightly in Europe, though down across some other markets. Softwoods are mostly up in European markets, but down for the UK, where softwood plywood from Finland generally has seen a decline reflective of the conditions here,” Mr Allinson said. Like a number of other speakers at the Global Market Conference, Mr Allinson highlighted raw materials as a big challenge for the industry. “Raw material supply is a big issue,” he said. “We hope that prices will stabilise this year, but the industry also needs to look at how to best use the resources we have to allow everybody in the supply chain to get a return, because otherwise we won’t get the investment we need,” he said. While he noted that economic slumps aren’t new to the forestry industry, other issues were also playing their part in making the sector a challenging one. “Import sanctions on Russia, although vital, have caused some issues in coal markets, and log prices have been particularly high, affecting availability. There’s hope that Spruce prices will stabilise this year, with only small increases into next year. But raw material availability is definitely a challenge for all manufacturers,” he said. “The aftermath of the pandemic, as we know, has also caused some issues in the markets, particularly around the ability of companies to get gain credit for trading purposes, and we’ve certainly seen construction, distribution and manufacturing businesses failing as a result.” Despite this, Mr Allinson does believe that an upturn is on its way. “I don’t think the up-turn is going to catch anyone out, unfortunately, but there’s certainly a backlog of construction across the UK and most of our core markets in Europe, and obviously in the US. And there’s some positive projections and I think the wood panel sector is likely to improve through next year with levels being predicted to return to pre-COVID levels by 2027.” The growing move towards renewables and low-carbon materials also offers some positive hopes for the timber sector, Robert said, with a strong focus on wood products for construction that are certified, environmentally sustainable and dependable. “Legislative changes across Europe are certainly enforcing embodied carbon limits in construction and this will create further opportunities for wood. Denmark, for example, has al-ready written limits on embodied carbon into their building codes, and I think Sweden, the UK and France are not far behind, which is good news.” Mr Allinson then turned to the question of whether, once the market does improve, we will have enough wood to meet the demand. “Supply is as always going to be key, and strong reciprocal relationships with customers will hopefully prove to be fruitful once the upturn comes and supply gets tight.” He explained that in Finland, only 75% of the annual growth of the forest is harvested, so it has a good model in terms of sustainability of supply. But he noted that log production is declining in Europe, and log prices are kind to rise. “The expectation is that wood products will play an increasing role in construction due to their sustainability credentials, but with no forecasted increase in log availability as an industry, we’re just going to need to find ways to use what we have to our best advantage and more efficiently. So perhaps the question should be how we use the wood we have to the best effect. The reality is that resources are limited, and we need to ensure there’s room to build profitability throughout the supply chain so that everybody is able to get a return and be profitable,” Mr Allinson said.

A special tree heads to Westminster

Australian timber industry news - Mo, 18/11/2024 - 01:35
This Christmas, a beautiful tree from Forestry England Kielder is making a 330-mile journey to stand beside the Houses of Parliament, bringing festive cheer to the heart of Westminster. Source: Timberbiz One of Kielder Forest’s 150 million trees, the 40-foot Sitka spruce was carefully selected by experts at Forestry England for its perfect shape and impressive size. This iconic tree will stand at the foot of the Houses of Parliament throughout the festive period. Once the tree has been chosen, Forestry England’s skilled team carefully cuts down the tree to prevent any damage to its branches. It’s then wrapped, loaded, and ready for its long trip to London. To ensure the tree is as sustainable as possible, Forestry England selects it from an open area in the forest to allow ground plants flourish. After Christmas, the tree will be chipped and reused in London’s parks and green spaces, continuing to benefit the environment. Richard Cooper, Beat Forester at Forestry England, said: “Felling this tree is a highlight of my year. It has to be just right, and it’s a great feeling to see it standing next to the Houses of Parliament. Getting it safely from Northumberland to London is a skilful process, and I’m proud knowing that so many people will enjoy it in Westminster.” This year’s spruce, which started life about 40 years ago, is one of 120 trees from Forestry England Kielder that will bring Christmas cheer across the UK, with others heading to places including Ipswich, Sheffield, and Stockton-on-Tees. Another 25ft tree has been delivered to Westminster Hall and a 12ft tree will stand in the Speaker’s House. Kielder Forest is already preparing for the future, planting thousands of seedlings to keep this tradition alive and to supply timber locally.

Sustainable timber and sustainable Swift Parrots

Australian timber industry news - Mo, 18/11/2024 - 01:34
Sustainable Timber Tasmania is stepping up its efforts to monitor the swift parrot, with observations indicating active foraging in and around forest reserves and production areas. Source: Timberbiz Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s Swift Parrot Monitoring Program is in full swing, with recent surveys conducted across key areas of Tasmania, including the Tasman Peninsula, Southern Forests, and Eastern Tiers. Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s research and operations teams have reported encouraging signs of swift parrot activity, with small groups of parrots observed foraging on blue gum and black gum at various sites, both within forest reserves and surrounding production areas. While no nesting activity has yet been identified so far, these early observations signal a positive start to the season and return of the parrots to Tasmania Ongoing monitoring efforts are part of Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s commitment to conservation and sustainable forest practices and demonstrate active management of potential breeding habitat for swift parrots within Tasmania’s public production forests. Over the past fortnight, the teams have made significant progress; retrieving acoustic recorders from previous surveys, conducting targeted field surveys and deploying additional equipment in potential swift parrot breeding areas. This comprehensive approach allows for adaptive forest management based on real time monitoring and minimising potential disturbance to the species and its habitat. “Sustainable Timber Tasmania continues to prioritise the management of potential swift parrot habitat, adapting its forest practices as needed to support a successful swift parrot breeding season,” Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s General Manager Conservation and Land Management Suzette Weeding said. “Our proactive approach to acoustic monitoring and field surveys is invaluable in detecting various forms of bird activity across the landscape. By closely monitoring the swift parrot, we can adapt forest management activities to align with the species needs throughout its breeding season. “Our goal is to see that Tasmania’s production forests continue to support both sustainable timber harvesting and potential wildlife habitat, balancing conservation and responsible land management,” she said.  

OneFortyOne’s 2024 Forest Photo Competition winners

Australian timber industry news - Mo, 18/11/2024 - 01:34
This year’s OFO forest photo competition saw an impressive array of over 120 entries from students across the Limestone Coast and Western Victoria, showcasing their perspectives on our iconic landscape. Source: Timberbiz Entries were brought to a panel of judges, and top honours were given to Year 6 student Hunter Crowe, and Year 12 student Ellie Cookson. “I like to go walking with my family out in the bush, to find and explore new and amazing sceneries,” Hunter explained. “I most enjoy the way that walking in nature can make you feel better, especially when we go Geocaching. It’s amazing to see all the revegetation after the scars from bushfires, and the interesting shapes that the existing trees have formed.” OneFortyOne CEO Wendy Norris expressed her admiration for the students’ work. “The perspectives shared by these young photographers are truly inspiring,” Ms Norris said. “The enthusiasm and creativity shown highlight the strong connection our community has with local forests.” Launched in August to celebrate National Forestry Day, the competition was designed to encourage students to explore and share their unique perspective about what the forest means to them. Ellie captured the essence of local forests with her stunning photograph and heartfelt words about the surprises and unique sights in the forests she calls home, while Hunter’s winning entry beautifully depicted his love for nature, and the joy he finds in exploring the bush with his family. “I love all the forests around because there’s always something new to see, something unique in its own way around every single corner, you never know if there’s going to be a surprise such as a kangaroo, emu, a bird or simply a tiny mushroom. Everything is special and I’m glad to call it home,” she said. “Their ability to capture the beauty and resilience of our forests emphasises the importance of thoughtful stewardship of the forest for generations to come,” Ms Norris said. “We are incredibly impressed, and thankful to all of the students for their contributions to this celebration of nature.” The winning photos will be featured on OneFortyOne’s social media channels and website, and a selection of entries will be displayed at a number of exhibitions in the region.

Pan Pac’s new GM Lumber

Australian timber industry news - Mo, 18/11/2024 - 01:30
Pan Pac has a new General Manager – Lumber Mark Kennedy, who joined Pan Pac in November 2024. Source: Timberbiz Mr Kennedy holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons) and an MBA. He has vast experience in operations management in manufacturing environments globally, including as General Manager Operations with Asaleo Care. His early career also gave him experience at the Kawerau Pulp Mill. Mr Kennedy has a strong background of leadership, technical skills and experience with industrial relations and multi-union environments.

New industry standard to streamline compliance for exterior wall cladding

Australian timber industry news - Mo, 18/11/2024 - 01:29
To support the use of timber in construction, Forest & Wood Products Australia is introducing a new industry standard aimed at streamlining compliance for exterior timber wall cladding. Source: Timberbiz The current complex regulatory landscape often leads to increased time and costs for projects, making timber a less attractive option for builders and designers. The proposed FWPA Standard introduces a non-mandatory Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) solution specifically for exterior timber wall cladding systems. This innovative Standard provides a clear compliance pathway for meeting the condensation and weatherproofing provisions of the Na-tional Construction Code (NCC). “By simplifying compliance requirements, we’re not only reducing costs and project delays but also empowering builders and designers to choose timber as a preferred material.” said Boris Iskra, National Codes and Standards Manager at FWPA. For commercial projects under NCC Volume One, this standard provides the first-ever compliant DTS solution, significantly reducing reliance on costly customised Performance Solutions where external timber cladding is permitted to be used. For residential projects under Volume Two, it accommodates modern cladding systems and updated installation methods, further streamlining the compliance process. This new standard aims to minimise project delays, reduce construction costs, and promote the broader adoption of timber as a sustainable material, enhancing its appeal and opening new market opportunities. FWPA is committed to industry-wide engagement in developing this standard. Consultations are being held with timber cladding manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and building associations. To achieve NCC recognition, the standard is being developed in alignment with the Australian Building Codes Board’s Protocol for the Development of National Construction Code Referenced Documents. An open public comment period from November 13, 2024, to February 7, 2025, invites industry members to provide feedback and help shape the standard. If referenced in the NCC, the new Standard will deliver several benefits to industry stakeholders: Streamlined Compliance: Architects, building designers, and builders will gain a straightforward pathway to meet NCC requirements, reducing the complexities of compliance navigation. Cost Savings: Detailed design and installation guidelines will aid building surveyors and certifiers in minimising the need for costly Performance Solutions, especially beneficial for commercial projects and minor residential variations. Faster Approvals: The simplified compliance process aims to decrease project delays, allowing projects to progress more swiftly and meet client deadlines effectively. Flexibility and Choice: The new Standard provides an additional compliance option while allowing professionals to utilise existing pathways, enhancing timber’s adaptability in a competitive market. For more information on the FWPA Standard and how you can provide feedback on the draft standard, please visit: www.fwpa.com.au/standards-activities/draft-standard-design-installation-of-exterior-timber-wall-cladding/


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by Dr. Radut