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Has Illegal logging dropped the last decade, we doubt...►

So, when talking about progress in combating of “illegal logging” by facts, two figures are necessary: the amount of illegal logging at the starting point (back at the beginning of the decade) and the current amount of illegal logging. Coming back to the statement of Nadine Laporte, we will compare figures with very different error bars. The confidence interval of the early figures is huge whilst the error bars of the recent figures are much smaller. It’s like comparing apples with oranges.

Is Conservation the main deal for REDD+? ►

The Sustainable Forest Management System of Austria could save those people who are directly affected by climate change processes such as REDD+, the fate of life in "reserves". And it also offers these people a smooth transition into a new era and the most extensive painless entry into a global world. It would leave them their dignity and they could continue to be proud making their living by their own hands work with their forests.

Is illegal logging the main source of deforestation? ►

There is stats published by UNFCCC in 2007 - Wood extraction for commercial timber (legal and illegal) counts for 14% of total deforestation & degradation activities - extract the legal part plus extract those parts of illegal timber not going to international sales - so what remains?

Do we have to stop deforestation at all costs? ►

“Just paying money for reducing deforestation and improving conservation practices measured by environmental records like carbon sequestration will not solve the problem – it will still worsen it!”


Survival of the fittest – also true for the forest, paper and packaging industry?►

Do you think global Pulp & Paper Industry is ready for the challenges of the 21th century? Or is it still on trial and error path?


Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU, FLEGT and REDD+ ►

Why is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU fostering Deforestation or why is the EU fighting illegal logging but not deforestation?



vor 8 Jahre 4 months
International Forestry Review http://dx.doi.org/10.1505/146554816818966336 The ‘virtual economy’ of REDD+ projects: does private certification of REDD+ projects ensure their environmental integrity? C. SEYLLER, S. DESBUREAUX, S. ONGOLO, A. KARSENTY, G. SIMONET, J. FAURE et L. BRIMONT Certification standard bodies in climate governance are assumed to function as independent third parties agencies in transactions, providing trust and transparency to ensure that the calculation of carbon credits is reliable. This article investigates the validity of this assumption for the voluntary forest...
vor 9 Jahre 5 months
Im Rahmen des Seminars zur Waldpolitik WS 2014 an der BOKU (in Wien) konnte ich mit Studenten das klimapolitische Instrument "REDD" diskutieren. Hier finden Sie die Präsentation dazu... Zusammefassend kann folgendes gesagt werden: „Primary REDD concepts and principles are fundamentally flawed“ Lösungsansätze basieren teilweise auf falschen Tatsachen REDD wird instrumentalisiert zur Realisierung von Partikularinteressen Eigentumsrechte am Wald wurden völlig außer Acht gelassen Isolierte Betrachtung des Problems – Stichwort „direct/indirect drivers“ (deshalb wird seit DURBAN vom „...
vor 11 Jahre 6 months
Latest News as of August 2013: "Government shelves plan to sell Coillte harvesting rights" - "The sale of the harvesting rights for the country’s State-owned forests has been abandoned. Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney said the Government will instead focus on creating a new company — merging Coillte and Bord na Móna — to develop commercial bio-energy and foerestry interests. The minister said the decision to stall the sale of about one million acres of trees was based on concerns for jobs, public access and financial losses..." Well, to put important things first... I am sorry for...
vor 11 Jahre 10 months
The actual causes of deforestation -- above all, the already unsustainable demand agricultural products in the North -- were considered a far lower priority in Doha than carbon market-related accounting. Nonetheless, some governments, especially those of the UK and Norway, paid at least lip service to them. A Synthesis Report (PDF) financed by those two governments was released at Doha. The main conclusions of that report are as follows: Proximate or direct drivers of deforestation and forest degradation are human activities and actions that directly impact forest cover and result in loss of...
vor 11 Jahre 10 months
An article of Aljazeera - the topic says everything... You're buying an airplane ticket online. Scroll to the bottom of the website, and there's an option to "buy carbon credits" to "offset" the climate change-inducing emissions you are about to produce during your flight. It sounds like an attractive, market-based way to appease your environmental conscience - and quite affordably, too. But what are you actually buying? And how much - if any - difference can it really make in the fight against global warming? In effect, you're paying someone else to exercise carbon emission restraint. It may...
vor 11 Jahre 10 months
Sustain2Green: REDD Text Limps Out Of Doha – Healthy, Homeless, And Broke REDD Text Limps Out Of Doha – Healthy, Homeless, And Broke   Author: Steve Zwick   UPDATE: As of 22:00 local time, high-level talks are continuing but no changes are expected to the REDD text. We will provide a more comprehensive wrap Sunday night or Monday morning. Please check back then.   7 December 2012 | Doha | Qatar | High-level climate talks continue here and may run until Monday, but negotiations on reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) appear to have wrapped up for the...
vor 11 Jahre 12 months
"A guide to raise funds to save forests" - a brand new publication (October 2012) by "The Global Canopy Program"   "As a non-partisan analysis, the Little Forest Finance Book does not favour one proposal over another. We do hope, however, that our work will aid understanding and encourage collaborative dialogue on this vitally important area of research." On page 98 we can read the following interesting sentences: "The extraction of wood comprises 4% of global GDP (Butler, 2012) and causes around two-thirds of tropical deforestation (Geist & Lambin, 2001). Wood is extracted for timber...
vor 12 Jahre 2 Wochen
Ilona Jankovits  -  320217-  Msc Global Business and Stakeholder Management - The Different Colours of REDD Money does not grow on trees. In the literal sense this is true, but that does mean that despite the lack of currency as foliage, trees do not have any value. However, in our current system we seem to have issues with internalizing this value. We create a trade-off between economic profits and maintaining our ecosystems. The costs and benefits of the services our ecosystems provide globally are not internalized in our economic system and therefore the main stakeholder spheres of market...
vor 12 Jahre 1 month
"Developed countries have vowed to help the developing world get up to speed on REDD, and many say they’re putting up billions towards the effort. Few, however, have actually followed through on their promises, and those who say they have aren’t doing a good job of proving it. The REDD+ Expenditures Tracking Project aims to change that." There is a nice article at the Website of Ecosystem Marketplace from Kelli Barrett. I just start to cite the first paragraph - read further at there site: "Developed nations have pledged more than $7.3 billion to help developing countries get up to speed on...
vor 12 Jahre 2 months
The Telegraph: We're told, endlessly, that climate change will mean the end of the Amazon, of the tropical forests, and the Earth will lose its lungs. It appears that this is not wholly and completely true. Actually, an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is likely to lead to the growth of huge, new, tropical forests. The report is in Nature and this is the important point: Experimental studies have generally shown that plants do not show a large response to CO2 fertilization. “However, most of these studies were conducted in northern ecosystems or on commercially important species” explains...


by Dr. Radut