News Services
- Eucalyptus - not just for pulp - this Site is a deeper look worth! GIT Forestry Consulting
- Final draft REDD text produced in Copenhagen as of 20th of December 2009
- UN/ECE - Forestry Database
- Woodmiles
- Ardot Ltd. Oy
- Forestry England
- AllBusiness Forestry
- Russian Timber Industry
- The Austrian Forest Agenda
- TOP 10 Questions for Forestry
- The Mpingo Conservation Project
- The Iwokrama Conservation Project
- Forest Road Construction Consultants
- SkogsSverige - The Forest and Wood Portal
- Study on the development and marketing of non-wood forest products
- New interactive database on indicators of sustainable forest management in Europe
- German Timber Consultants - Marcus R. Niedermeier/HolzConsulting|TimberConsulting
- Some interesting dispute regarding certification and greenwash
- Forestry and Development in the Asia and Pacific
- Oregon Sustainable Forest Management Site
- Sustainable Forest Management Literature
- Forests Forever
- Eucalyptus Site
- Australien Forest Industry Engineering Association (FIEA)
- i-TREE - an application toolset page of the US State Forest Service - very nice!
- Building and Woodworker's International
Various Information and meeting schedule services:
- Global Forest Information Service (
- Forestry Carbon Markets & REDD-new!
- UN-REDD Collaborative On-Line Workspace-new!
Encyclopedia on recent Forests/Forestry Topics:
World's Forests 2009 (Text as
Download, ~13 MB)
World's Forests 2011 (Text as
Download, ~2,5 MB)
World's Forests 2012 (Text as
Download, ~2,5 MB)
Europe's Forests at a glance 2011 (Text as
Download, ~4,5 MB)
- Vital Forests Graphics
- ITTO Report 2008
- IUCN Lessons learned from Multistakeholder Forest Programs
- The Little REDD+ book
- The Eliasch Review
- REDD Options Assessment Report for The Government of Norway
- The Forest Transistion Theory
Atlas of the forest sector in Northwest Russia 2009 (Text as
Download, ~2 MB)
- Global Forest Resources Assessment - Remote Sensing Survey portal
- EU Agriculture and Rural Development Library
- The REDD-Net
- Forests and Climate Change Toolbox-new!
- New Zealand Carbon News-new!
- Interactive Forest Atlas for Central African Republic
- FAO Interactive Forest Database (Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010)
- EFIATLANTIC: Register of forest long term monitoring trials
REDD+ Databases
- The EU-REDD Initiative
- Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
- The REDD+ Partnership database
- Fast Start Finance database
- The REDD+ Partnership
- SADC REDD Network
- THE US REDD finance database
- ClimateFundsUpdate of ODI and Heinrich Böll Stiftung
- REDD+ SES Initiative
- Forest Price Portal -new!
- US Forest Industries Stock Index
- Anti Paper-Movement to misguide people
- The Paper Sector: An Economic Model in Need of Reinventing?
- Don't blame US pulp&paper companies, but...
- Absolute Truths...
- UN/ECE: Timber products Database
- UN/ECE: Timber Markets Review 2010
- The Swedish ForestIndustries Federations recommendations
- Internationl Wood Markets
- Forest2Market
- The Doing Business Worldbank ranking
- Timberland Strategies in the US - new!
Renewables/Erneuerbare Energien
- Portsmouth - Schiller station
- Pellet plant would use Louisiana trees for European fuel
- The Russell BioMass PowerPlant
- Hawkins Wright PulpWatch on Forest Biomass and Wood Pellet Market
- US - Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTC)
- Biofuels and neo-colonialism
- How to tackle CO2 emissions as long as India and China do massive investements into coal plants?
Environment, Ecosystems, Carbon, Climat Change...
- !!Environment & Society Portal Munich
- !!World Policy Institute - Facts & Figures of Worldeconomy!!
- !!The Freedom of Economy ranking!!
- !!The Carbon Credit Database of PROBE International!!
- !!Sustainable Development Portal Q&A by Practitioners!!
- !!IFI Watch!!
- !!Bank Information Centre!!
- Website on Climate Change and the Forest Sector in the UNECE Region
- General Info on Illegal logging
- International environment and sustainable development
- World business council for sustainable development
- Sustainable procurement of Wood and Paper based products
- Forests and Climate Change Blog by Chris Henschel
- 09-02-23: REDD Capacity Development
- Why Biofuels Are the Rainforest's Worst Enemy
- Global Observation for Forest and Land Cover Dynamics
- Tropical forest Group
09-04-24: EU lawmakers are tough on illegal timber -
Parliament backs crackdown on illegal logging
European Parliament adopts rules to keep illegal timber off the EU market -
The Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia: A Regional Review
Climate change threats outlined for Vietnam and SE Asia - Carbon Offsets Daily
- IISD Reporting Services - Climate and Atmosphere
- IISD Reporting Services - Forests, Desssert, Land
- The Bretton Woods Project
- The strategy of the EU precidency of Sweden 2009
- Wiley-Blackwell Conservation Letters
- June 2009: Half way to Copenhagen - what we can expect...
- Draft r-Plan submissions to FCPF
- Forest Investment Review
- World Bank Report: State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2009
- Norwegian Climate Fund and in comparison to other funds
- Yahoo decided to quit their buying of carbon offset credits
- COP 15 at Copenhagen - have a look on latest news
- EU Annual Environment Policy Review
- The Terrestrial Carbon Group
- Biochar or Terra Preta de Índio: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
- Norton Rose International Legal Practice
- The Alps - The Water Towers of Central Europe
- REDD training materials
- LIFE Project evaluation report
- EU policy options for the protection of European forests against harmful impacts
- Forest Landscape Restoration
- Recarbonizing the earth
- WWF REDD Library
- THE REDD-plus Newsletter
- Building REDD Capacity in Developing Countries
- Bioresources Consulting (BIORESCON)
- Tropical Forestgroup Blogspot
- the REDD desk
- An Interesting business model for forest plantations -new!
- The World Bank Climate Change Blogspot-new!
- Outreach - The Multi-Stakholder Magazine
- The OSLO Governance Forum 2011
- Solving Climate Change by Tim Worstall-new
- Ecotourism - Guyana
- Global Environment Outlook 5 Report Launched
Environment and Capital
- Forest Footprint Disclosure
- The Ecosystem Marketplace
- Avoided Deforestation Partners
- The Woods Hole Research Center and TheREDDdesk
- Conservation International
- The Carbon Warroom
- REDD Carbon Portal
- Sustainable Forestry Funds 2011 - CD-ROM by Environmental Finance
Environment and Industry
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development - WBCSD
- Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
- Two Sides - Print and Paper Industry
- The Forests Dialogue
- RainForest Realities by APP
- How much “unburnable” carbon is there on the world’s stock exchanges?
Land grabbing/Landnahme
- Alliance Sud
- Study IFAD (pdf)
- Financial Times Article (July 2010)
- Forest plantation critics by The Guardian
- Global Public Debt - must have a look!
- The failed State index - must have a look!
- OPEN PDF Search Engine
- PDF & WEB-Doc Searc Enginde
- One Billion People Live in Chronic Hunger
- Green Freedom Campaign
- UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF)
- Canopy Capital (Iwokrama, Guyanas)
- Staatsschulden Österreich