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REDD Net Blogs | vor 12 Jahre 8 months

This is the second in a series of guest contributions focussed on sharing local experiences from around the world in developing and implementing safeguards in REDD+. The series will feature contributions from Central America, East Africa and Asia-Pacific. In this blog Promode Kant discusses the...

The Independent | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

Oxfam and Uganda Land Alliance face deregistration Two international organisations, Oxfam and Uganda Land Alliance (ULA), face de-registration for what government calls inciting violence over land issues.

Rights and Ressource | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

April, 2012. Ward Anseeuw, Mathieu Boche, Thomas Breu, Markus Giger, Jann Lay, Peter Messerli and Kerstin Nolte. CDE/CIRAD/GIGA. Bern/Montpellier/Hamburg. 50 pages. ISBN: 978-92-95093-71-3 Summary

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

The United Nations has adopted global guidelines for rich countries buying land in developing nations. The voluntary rules call on governments to protect the rights of indigenous peoples who use the land. It is estimated that 200m hectares, an area eight times the size of Britain, has been bought...

Mongabay | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Indigenous populations in the Amazon successfully farmed without the use of fire before the arrival of Europeans, demonstrating a potentially sustainable approach to land management in a region that is increasingly vulnerable to man-made fires.

AllAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

ONLY communities in Kondoa district in Dodoma region may get 80 percent of the payments from Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation for government forests when a post Kyoto Protocol carbon trading regimes starts next year. An official from Africa Wildlife Foundation, Godlisten...

ECO-Business | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Landholders spiralling interest in carbon forests has resulted in CO2 Australia investing an estimated $23.3 million in rural economies during 2011 and partnering with more than 300 farming families. CO2 Australia land acquisition manager Mark Ritchie told The Fifth Estate the organisation secured...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Local government efforts to promote forest conservation in a Pakistani village are blocking access to common lands and destroying traditional yak herding practices that villagers depend on for their livelihoods, says a recent study by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Vietnam Times | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Germany has given Laos further grant aid of 6 million euros (about 61 billion kip) to safeguard the livelihoods of people, mainly in the southern provinces, who depend on the sound management of their natural environment, especially forests.

IIED | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Ensuring the poor or the most vulnerable sections of society benefit from REDD+ is key mainly to build both national and international legitimacy, and foster successful delivery of conservation and social objectives.

Environmental Research WEB | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

China has become greener in recent decades. Since the 1980s trees, shrubs and grasses have been flourishing, thanks to warmer temperatures, a longer growing season and plenty of rain. But now research shows that this beneficial trend appears to be tailing off, with drought stress predominant in...

PR WEB | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) has assessed the World Bank’s new methodology for estimating the emission reductions resulting from adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. The new methodology was approved under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and is based on the Western Kenya...

Deadline News | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

MOTORISTS across Europe are set to pay an additional £15bn a year for petrol and diesel as a result of EU biofuel targets that will not reduce climate change emissions, according to new research published today. The research, carried out on behalf of Friends of the Earth Europe and ActionAid, shows...

Climate and Capitalism | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Since we can’t stop poor people from breeding, let’s build fences to keep them out. And let’s ask the world’s biggest polluters to pay for the fences. Regular readers of Climate & Capitalism know that David Attenborough, in addition to making nature films, is a patron of Optimum Population...

RECOFTC | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

At Durban’s Forest Day 5, the resounding message was that REDD+ will not work if people are hungry. How can we expect the poor to conserve forest resources if their food security – their very survival – rests on the use or consumption of those resources?

Engineering News | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Smallholders, with less than 50 ha in Malaysia, are earning a steady income from the production of palm oil, which is linked to the large-scale corporate industry manufacturing oils, cosmetics components, biofuels, natural fertilisers and soaps, says Malaysian Minister of plantation industries and...

AllAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Kabale — In the early 1990s Kabale was nicknamed "The Switzerland of Africa" by white settlers because of its cool weather. But with environment degradation and accompanying high temperatures, the name rings hollow. The district meteorology officer, Mr Bernard Kanyesigye, says about 25 years ago,...

Demara Waves | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Government on Thursday announced that it has terminated the US$15.4M contract held by Fip Motilall for the construction of the Amaila Falls access road and transmission line clearing project. Works minister Robeson Benn made the announcement at a news briefing saying the action was due to the...

ClimateFocus | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Agriculture is the main driver of deforestation in many countries and therefore is intrinsically connected to REDD+. Public-private partnerships in and around supply chains can generate emission reductions from REDD+ while also helping developing countries improve the sustainability of their...

VibeGhana | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Mr Mike Hammah, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, on Tuesday expressed concern about the rate at which the country’s forest was depleting and said Government needed to update laws on forest and natural resources. He noted that at the beginning on the 20th century, Ghana’s forest cover was...


by Dr. Radut