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USNR – The CSS feed modules’ hydraulic press rolls provide consistency and quality

International Forest Industries - Mo, 28/10/2024 - 11:09

USNR’s new Compact Shape Saw (CSS) system is comprised of multiple modules that work to provide unprecedented performance. This includes the CSS Canter, feed modules, and the CSS Gang.

The centering infeed system has a short lineal footprint that accommodates up to three scan zones and can be fed from either the left, right, or both sides. It operates at speeds up to 650 feet per minute (200 mpm) which is faster than the gang itself, ensuring the infeed will not be a choke point in production.

It centers a cant to the line and then secures it against the sharp-top chain using overhead press rolls. Cants then travel through the scan zones and the optimal solution is determined while the cant travels down the Quickscan Bridge. This bridge can vary in length to fit an existing mill. An overhead anti-roll shoe prevents cants from rolling when entering the Quickscan table.

The press rolls are all hydraulic and feature position and force control which improves overall contact with the piece. This ensures that cants are secured against the bed rolls with a consistent pressure, improving lumber quality.

USNR engineers worked with service experts extensively to ensure the CSS would be built with maintenance in mind. Quick-change press roll and bed roll assemblies allow for spare assemblies to be inserted while the damaged or worn assemblies are removed for maintenance offline, decreasing downtime and increasing the overall reliability of the system. The intermediate and infeed modules can also slide out for easy and safe saw change and maintenance. All cutting tools are easily accessible from either side of the line in the same open area in the center of the line.

To learn more about the feed modules and the entire CSS system, contact your USNR representative.

To read previous USNR posts click here.


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