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Melbourne Design Week launched at last inner city timber mill

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 29/05/2024 - 02:27
Last week Melbourne Design Week officially kicked off its 11-day program at Revival Projects’ Collingwood hub, a zero footprint co-working space for designers and the only inner-city timber mill Australia has left. Source: ArtsHub Revival Projects founder, Robbie Neville was the recipient of the Melbourne Design Week Award in 2022 and is showcasing a new project with poetic depth and tangible impact as part of this year’s program. Building on its ethos of using salvaged material and reusing demolition waste, Revival Projects’ 100 Circles involves 100 timber urns made out of several large cypress macrocarpa (or Monterey cypress) trees from Box Hill Cemetery. In their original location, the roots of the trees were beginning to threaten nearby graves. Each urn is made with no glue or mechanical fixing and contains the seed of the golden wattle tree. When buried, the urn and cremated ashes will decompose and a new tree will sprout – thus, the circle of life will continue. Mr Neville tells ArtsHub, “The roots [of the trees] were literally sharing the soil with the departed, and so we saw it as a sacred resource. I describe it as a physical embodiment of the intersection between the dissolution of life and new life. “The golden wattle tree is actually the first tree that grows after bushfires; it’s naturally resilient to ash.” At the opening of the 100 Circles exhibition, over half of the urns had been purchased, with each buyer leaving a note of reflection. Some had purchased an urn for a recently deceased loved one, while others recounted the previous experience of planting a tree, and the impact it had had on their lives. Each sale will be donated to Indigenous groups that manage forests after fires. “‘Hopefully the initiative provides a really meaningful process that makes it a little bit easier to rationalise and make sense of the grief and emotions you go through when you lose someone or something that you love,” Mr Neville said. The Collingwood timber mill was originally slated for demolition this year, but its redevelopment has since been pushed back to the end of 2025 and Revival Projects will occupy its space until then. Revival is currently collaborating with the developers on how resources from the site can be used in the 2025 development. Revival Projects is also deeply involved in the major development of the Melbourne Arts Precinct, taking part in urban tree recovery and making use of demolition materials. Melbourne Arts Precinct Corporation Director and CEO Katrina Sedgwick has previously mentioned that the project has the goal to recycle and reuse up to 95% of existing building materials. This is the 17th year of the Melbourne Design Week Award partnership with Mercedes-Benz, which announced at the media launch that it will extend its support of the Award for another three years until 2027. Melbourne Design Week is on until 2 June.

OFO walks the plank

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 29/05/2024 - 02:26
A new plank walk in Germein Reserve in South Australia is ready for visitors, as the Port MacDonnell Landcare Group (PMLG) finishes its latest project. Source: Timberbiz The plank walk passes through the middle of the new walking trail, designed to link two established loop walks in Germein Reserve – the Wilderness Loop and Dingley Dell Loop – allowing visitors to walk from Dingley Dell corner right through to the town of Port MacDonnell and back. PMLG President Peter Feast said the new walk is built across a water course, which is prone to flooding during the winter, and the group wanted to install the walk prior to the upcoming wet season to make it easier for further work down the track. “It means we can now complete this link path, and we can do the rest any time, even when it’s wet in the wintertime because we can access it across the water course,” Mr Feast said. “In the past we did do one water course with stepping stones, but that had a few issues. “This is now more accessible to people, even if you’re on a walking stick you can still enjoy the track.” PMLG member Ian Black said the materials donated by OneFortyOne through the PINE Community Grants Program – treated pine planks and strainers, as well as a grant for stainless steel screws were the best options for sustainability and for low maintenance. “We’re looking at a 50-year life span,” Mr Black said. “We’re very grateful to OneFortyOne for giving us the grant.” “It should last a very long time – it was the best way to go,” Mr Feast added. The project took about five hours spread over three days, with a team of PMLG members, led by Ian. “I organised it and I had some very good helpers,” Mr Black said. “We did the slashing of the track on one day, preparation of the posts another day, then five of us came along and laid the boards out and fixed them to it.” “I was impressed that four out of five people over 70 that actually laid the boards!” “It’s not cheap this stuff, it was very good of OneFortyOne to donate it to our community.”

FICA and Women in Forestry have agreed to collaborate more

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 29/05/2024 - 02:25
Forest Industries Contractors Association (FICA) and Women in Forestry (WIF) have signed an agreement to work closer together, share resources and increase member value for forestry contractors in New Zealand. Source: Timberbiz WIF is a grassroots network of women working in the New Zealand forestry industry, that focuses on supporting female business owners. Started informally in the 2010’s, WIF has grown to offer more tailored, formalised support in recent years. As part of the agreement, FICA will provide baseline funding to WIF to work on complimentary projects for members, including a group payroll project, a workshop series focusing on topics such as employment law and accounting/costings and shared networking opportunities for contractors to come together. FICA CEO Rowan Struthers says WIF provides complimentary support to FICA’s offering, and more can be achieved by working together. “WIF tends to focus on the back-office side of the business, while FICA focuses more on the operational, health and safety and productivity areas. By working together we can essentially add more value to members,” he said. WIF General Manager Sarah Davis says WIF has already started working on some key projects and is excited to be working for the greater good of contractors. “Being an on-the-ground network, we believe we have a good sense of what is really a concern for logging contractors. We’re excited to have input with FICA and potentially offer a useful perspective,” she says. “We’re looking forward to building a stronger relationship with FICA and working together for the greater good in helping logging contractors in their businesses.”

Eastland Forestry awards

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 29/05/2024 - 02:24
Challenges the East Coast have faced in the past 18 months were reflected upon at the Eastland Forestry Awards in New Zealand. Source: Timberbiz The audience of around 500 was there to celebrate the nominees and winners put forward by their peers and their companies. Taking out the top spot was Curtis Hawkes, Hawkes Logging. Mr Curtis came to the region from Northland with his family and leads his crew on the extreme terrain of the East Coast. “Curtis is described as having shown nothing but a high level of professionalism and work ethic, in all aspects of the job. He was recognised as a true leader by example, not asking anything of anyone that they themselves will not do,” MP Dana Kirkpatrick who presented the top award said. Curtis took away the Skilled Professional of the Year 2024 trophy as well as Harvesting Excellence, Crew of the Year and Outstanding Health & Safety awards. Total nominations for the Eastland Forestry Awards stood at 66, a record high for this region. In several categories, there were close runners up. “There was a true sense of camaraderie and compassion amongst those that attended, but also a lot of reflection. It has been a difficult period for the industry, through Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, so it was nice to come together to acknowledge our colleagues who have worked tirelessly and resiliently throughout this time,” Warren Rance Chair of EWC said.

Those in attendance also reflected on the support given to workers and their communities, voting on the Good Deed award on the night. This was awarded to Pourau Incorporation & Kuru Contracting as joint winners. Pourau Incorporation (owned by the Potae family) and Kuru Contracting worked together to meet the needs of the coastal community as well as primary industry by building a bypass road between Hikuwai One and Hikuwai Three Bridge to reconnect the state highway following the loss of Hikuwai One Bridge after Cyclone Gabrielle. Tania Gibb, Ra Whakapono Logging took out the top prize for Woman in Forestry. Tania’s passion for ensuring the rights and safety of workers was described as truly inspiring in her nomination, and her significant impact on the local forestry community was acknowledged.
CEO for the Eastland Wood Council (EWC), Philip Hope was acknowledged for his unrelenting advocacy across the region with local and national government during his tenure at the helm. “The Eastland Forestry Awards evening was a true testament to outstanding role models and innovative initiatives and services that have seen the industry continue to operate and survive the last few years,” he said. “We are grateful for our workforce who have continued throughout significant adversity this past 18 months, and we look forward to our future together as we continue to work hard for our East Coast community.” Awards: Skilled Professional of the Year 2024 (sponsored by Eastland Wood Council): Curtis Hawkes (Hawkes Logging). Emerging Leader (sponsored by Ernslaw): Rowena Marshall (Summit Forest). Logistics Excellence (sponsored by Qube Forestry – Pacific Haulage): Roger Callow (ISO Ltd). Woman in Forestry (sponsored by Blackstump Logging): Tania Gibb (Ra Whakapono Logging). Outstanding Health and Safety (sponsored by Qube Forestry – ISO): Curtis Hawkes (Hawkes Logging) Industry Support (sponsored by AP Plant & Machinery): Krissy Mackintosh (Hear 4 U). Forestry and Establishment Excellence (sponsored by Competenz : Te Pukenga): Samuela Donu (Vailea Silviculture Ltd). Faller Manual Excellence (sponsored by Aratu Forests): Ben Hohepa (Tairawhiti Timber Training). Faller Mechanised Excellence (sponsored by Forest Enterprises): Levi Gibson-Parks (Forest Enterprises) Harvesting Excellence (sponsored by Summit): Curtis Hawkes (Hawkes Logging). Cartage Excellence (sponsored by MITO): Rodel Calipes (Pacific Haulage Limited) Crew of the Year (sponsored by UDC): Hawkes Logging Environmental Initiative Management (sponsored by TDX): Eastside Logging Roading Civil Excellence (sponsored by Eastland Port): Val Milham (Kuru Contracting Ltd). Outstanding Innovation Excellence (sponsored by JNL): Ace of Spades Contracting Ltd Wood Processing & Manufacturing Excellence (sponsored by Aratu Forests): David Rameka (Kiwi Lumber (Gisborne) Ltd).

Midway calls for more trees in the ground

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 29/05/2024 - 02:23
Midway managing director Tony McKenna has a simple philosophy for the way the company sees the timber industry. “We’d like to see more trees in the ground,” he said. Source: Timberbiz Midway is a leading Australian forestry company with a head office in Geelong, Victoria, founded in 1980. Midway has business units across Australia and is involved in all aspects of forestry, with a lead focus of woodfibre processing and exporting, plantation project management and carbon abatement projects. “We’re committed to try to grow the estate where it makes sense,” Mr McKenna said. “And I believe that there is country where it would benefit from having trees in the ground.” To encourage the development of plantation forestry and expedite sequestration of atmospheric carbon, Midway has developed a Carbon Project Agreement, a commercial offering for Landholders who are keen to support commercial forest production and participate in Australia’s expanding carbon reduction market through the generation of carbon offsets. Midway sources hardwood plantation and softwood plantation from Victoria and the Green Triangle region in South Australia and Midway Tasmania sources native regrowth and hardwood and softwood plantation across Tasmania. Plantation Management Partners sources hardwood and softwood plantation from the Tiwi Island Forestry Project on Melville Island in the Northern Territory. Wood is sourced from Responsible Wood, FSC certified suppliers and non-certified suppliers. Combined the group manages over 90,000 ha of plantation estate. “The hardwood plantation estate peaked at around 970,000ha in Australia in 2010, and a lot of that was driven by the MIS,” Mr McKenna said. “A good part of it was in the Green Triangle in Western Victoria more generally. And a lot of that was driven by MIS, but not all of it.” Since then, the plantings have decreased by 250,000ha with some of the best country reverting to primarily grazing agriculture. The hardwood timber harvested in Western Victoria goes to paper mills in China and Japan, making renewable recyclable products such as paper products and plastic replacement packaging. It is currently chipped in field at sites such as Myamyn north of Portland, and in Geelong. The bulk of the product is exported out of Portland. “There’s very little being used domestically,” Mr McKenna said. He said there was some replanting. “There’s a couple of things happening with the economics around a little bit of improved longer-term demand for the woodchips and the carbon story,” he said. “Carbon generates another source of income from a plantation and that helps in country that’s really marginal agricultural country.” Midway doesn’t do any of its own harvesting and haul operations, relying on local contractors. Logs are generally harvested, cut to length, and then brought into Midway’s static mills. “Having the infrastructure there makes it cheaper for us to do it that way,” Mr McKenna said.

Greater gliders and the EPA force stand downs of 15 NSW operations

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 29/05/2024 - 02:19
Forestry Corporation NSW has stood down 15 operations – 11 operations in the north of the state and four in the south, following a NSW Environment Protection Authority order which requires a 25-metre logging exclusion zone around any tree in which a Greater Glider is spotted. Source: Timberbiz Changes have also been made to how nocturnal search and surveys must be conducted, including that a first transect must be undertaken within 30 minutes of sunset to increase the likelihood of seeing gliders leaving their dens. Australian Forest Contractors Association general manager Tim Lester said that for several weeks Forestry Corporation NSW and the NSW EPA had been discussing the interpretation of the search and survey requirements relating to protections for Greater Gliders. “Last week environmental activists issued a notice of intent to Forestry Corp and likely the EPA – that further court actions would be launched to seek additional injunctions to prevent harvesting activity,” he said. Amendment of the biodiversity conditions could not occur while a court action was underway, leading to the developments at the weekend. Mr Lester said that as the amendments apply immediately, FC NSW moved to stand down crews while a review can be undertaken of the updated requirements. He said it was not clear how long the stand down is likely to last, with expectations ranging from several days to a number of weeks. FC NSW has advised that usual stand down arrangements and payments will apply for those harvesting contracting businesses that have affected. There are currently no stand down arrangements in place for haulage. FC NSW will negotiate with individual businesses to determine what financial support will apply. “We understand there is community concern for the conservation of threatened species and forests, and we remain committed to fulfilling our statutory obligation to protect the environment and independently regulate all licensed industries, including native forest operations,” the EPA said. “We will continue to regulate FCNSW activities to ensure the rules are complied with and will regularly review these settings to ensure that they are operating as intended.” The AFCA wants information about the impacts on businesses and individuals to support its bid to the NSW Government to stop these rolling series of changes. Those affected by the EPA’s orders can complete an online survey for the AFCA here.


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