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Landslide susceptibility model to be applied in NZ

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 03/07/2024 - 03:11
New Zealand’s Gisborne Council’s Landslide Susceptibility and Connectivity Model will soon be applied to land use planning in Tairāwhiti. This is part of the work underway to improve forestry and farming practices across the region. Source: Timberbiz The model, completed by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, aims to identify which areas have a high likelihood of landslides occurring and the likelihood that these landslides will affect the waterways. It will play an important role in shaping land use rules across the region. The model will help inform the Land Overlay 3B, an extension of the current land overlay framework in the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan (TRMP). Land Overlay 3B will identify the worst eroding land across the region, which will need to transition out of plantation forestry and/or pastoral farming and into permanent vegetation cover. Gisborne District Council Executive Nedine Thatcher Swann emphasised the importance of this data. “This marks the beginning of more accurate identification and management of erosion risks across Tairāwhiti. “The model utilises advanced technology and builds on previous regional research,” Ms Swann said. “It analyses where landslides occur and their potential to impact waterways, drawing on data collected across the region.” As a part of this work, Council remains committed to working with tangata whenua, landowners, and communities before confirming which land falls into Overlay 3B and proposing options for land management in Land Overlay 3B.

NZ’s groundbreaking deal to remove tariffs including wood

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 03/07/2024 - 03:11
New Zealand has concluded a groundbreaking trade deal with Costa Rica, Iceland, and Switzerland, to remove tariffs on hundreds of products that benefit sustainability and the environment, Trade and Agriculture Minister Todd McClay said. Source: Timberbiz “The Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability (ACCTS) opens up commercial opportunities for New Zealand businesses by focusing on trade in sustainable goods and services. Crucially for New Zealand, it will see tariffs removed on key exports including 41 wood products and wool. Under brand New Zealand we have a leading story to tell as to the value our wood products and timber used in construction play in addressing climate change and sustainability challenges, says Mark Ross, Chief Executive of the Wood Processing and Manufacturers Association ‘not only will this new trade agreement deliver commercial benefits for New Zealand, but it will send a strong environmental message to our trading partners’. As new countries join the collective formed by New Zealand, Switzerland, Costa Rica and Iceland, the potential to grow a commercial benefit to the wood products industry over time is significant. Wood provides multiple benefits to New Zealand, and it is positive to see the government backing our industry in removing unnecessary barriers and implementing new trade Agreements’ Mr Ross said. “Export growth will help fund the wood processing industry, with value added wood products encouraging greater onshore processing of logs, more employment in our regions, and increasing our global contribution to embodied carbon storage.” This Agreement also provides support to the renewable energy sector by establishing rules to prevent harmful fossil fuel subsides and sets guidelines for ecolabelling. Tariffs will be eliminated on over 300 environmental goods on entry into force of the Agreement, including wind and hydraulic turbines, electric vehicles, wool fibre, recycled paper, and wood products offering a more environmental alternative to carbon-intensive construction materials, such as steel and concrete. Tariff elimination will make such products more competitive, thereby incentivising use and investment in related technologies. This trade agreement is the first New Zealand has concluded with these countries outside of the WTO, and is set to deliver new, high-quality, trade opportunities while tackling climate and sustainability challenges.

KSI Sawmill to supply Greenhill with timber residues

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 03/07/2024 - 03:10
Greenhill Energy and KSI Sawmills have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to support both company’s commitment to sustainability and underpin supply of sustainable biomass at scale to Riverbend Energy Hub. Source: Timberbiz Under the MOU, subject to regulatory approvals KSI Sawmills will supply Greenhill Energy’s Riverbend Energy Hub with timber residues from its proposed new sawmill site at Monarto, in South Australia’s Murraylands region. The sawmill is currently progressing through local government development approvals and subject to receiving these approvals, is expected to commence construction in 2024 and operations in 2025. Timber for the sawmill will come from sustainably certified plantation grown sources, primarily throughout the Mt Lofty Ranges, with the timber residues from sawmill operations available for sustainable biomass supply in multiple tranches over time to match the planned development stages of Riverbend Energy Hub. Greenhill Energy Managing Director Nicholas Mumford said the proposed sawmill development would be a welcome nearby Murraylands regional partner in Greenhill Energy’s circular economy supply chain, importantly with the potential to supply certified renewable and sustainable biomass feedstock at scale. “We’re looking forward to working with KSI Sawmills. As we progress the development of Riverbend Energy Hub, we’re securing sustainable biomass sources to meet our targets to manufacture clean hydrogen, urea fertiliser and other high value products such as synthetic fuels,” Mr Mumford said. “The timber residues from a sustainable timber plantation will be another ideal and consistent source of sustainable biomass for our manufacturing plant and will provide security as we grow production in line with our staged development program. “KSI Sawmills joins our portfolio of key supply partners including Solo Resource Recovery and Peats Soil and Garden Supplies, which together broadly meet our initial feedstock design capacity requirements. KSI Sawmills’ Managing Director Victor Kyriakou said Greenhill Energy was also the perfect fit for their business. “We’re really excited to work with another sustainably driven business in the rapidly developing Murraylands region, and Greenhill Energy’s Riverbend Energy Hub shares the same commitment to the environment as we do,” Mr Kyriakou said. “We source one 100% sustainable plantation timber for our operations and the potential to have off cuts and timber residue be upcycled to assist in the production of green hydrogen is a pleasing result for our business.” Both Greenhill Energy and KSI Sawmills are working closely with Regional Development Australia to progress their projects and ensure local communities also benefit from these large-scale business investments. Regional Development Australia Murraylands & Riverland Chief Executive Ben Fee said companies working together in the region creates more opportunities and connects our region to a resilient and sustainable future. “The partnership between Greenhill Energy and KSI Sawmills is exactly the type of lateral benefits we want to encourage in the Murraylands and Riverland,” Mr Fee said. “We’re attracting some great new companies to this vibrant region and this new partnership offers great circular economy opportunities with significant social and environmental benefits. Greenhill Energy and KSI Sawmills will progress under the MOU towards more detailed feedstock supply and other arrangements as they continue to move through regulatory approval processes for their respective projects.”  

Sustainable Timber Tas’ Three Year Wood plan

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 03/07/2024 - 03:10
Sustainable Timber Tasmania has released the annual update to its Three Year Wood Production Plan 2024-2025 to 2026-2027 to the Tasmanian community. Source: Timberbiz The Three Year Wood Production Plan can be accessed on Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s website at www.sttas.com.au The plan identifies forest coupes across Tasmania’s public production forests that may be available across a three-year period from which a schedule of harvesting, roading and regeneration operations will be developed. The release of the plan provides the community with an opportunity to identify which forest coupes and future operations may be of interest to them. Inviting community feedback on the plan is part of Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s commitment to engaging with local stakeholders. Feedback will then be considered during detailed operational planning and decision-making processes. Sustainable Timber Tasmanian encourages the community to: Visit sttas.com.au Read the Three Year Wood Production Plan View the access map to identify which forest coupes may be of interest to them Contact Sustainable Timber Tasmania with their feedback at stakeholder@sttas.com.au or (03) 6169 2800. The Three Year Plan is developed from modelling and spatial data and includes coupe names, provisional coupe sizes (not final harvest boundaries), location coordinates, suggested harvest type and method, suggested regeneration and future use and an estimation of anticipated volumes of log products for potential recovery. The plan contains a significant amount of information, so to make it easier for people to read and understand, a spatial layer is developed and available to view on a map of Tasmania. This can be viewed on the access map on Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s website at https://sttas.com.au/ourresponsibilities/operations/three-year-wood-production-plan It’s important to understand that not all forest coupes listed in the Three Year Plan will be harvested, and final harvesting and regeneration details for each coupe may be different from what is listed in the Plan. This is because Sustainable Timber Tasmania has not yet undertaken its detailed operational planning process, including consideration of stakeholder feedback. A list of frequently asked questions regarding the Three Year Plan has been made available for reading on Sustainable Timber Tasmania’s website at www.sttas.com.au

WoodSolutions rebrand managed by FWPA

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 03/07/2024 - 03:07
Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) is set to spearhead an initiative highlighting the advantages of timber framing in construction, promising a significant boost to its promotion efforts. Source: Timberbiz First established in the Australian Forest Products Association’s Softwood Manufacturing Chamber and funded by the Timber Framing Collective, the ‘Timber Framing: The Ultimate Renewable’ campaign will continue its success with a WoodSolutions rebrand and be managed by FWPA. To oversee the effort, FWPA has appointed former board member and Timber Framing Collective founding member, Christine Briggs, as campaign manager. Ms Briggs brings a wealth of sales and marketing experience along with a breadth of industry knowledge, ensuring the campaign’s ongoing success. FWPA’s Head of Build Environment and WoodSolutions Program, Kevin Peachey, said this campaign plays an important role in supporting the forest and wood products industry. “Timber framing is a cost-effective, long-lasting and sustainable option for framing in construction, and we believe it should remain a part of the DNA of Australian homes,” said Mr Peachey. “The timber framing industry employs over 45,000 people across the supply chain, providing significant job opportunities. By highlighting these advantages and promoting timber framing as the preferred material among builders, we can support our members and expand the market share of timber framing in Australia. “Under Christine’s guidance, FWPA can enhance its creative and strategic efforts to communicate this story to builders, developers, and the broader construction industry.” Ms Briggs expressed her enthusiasm for the campaign and the benefits it would have for suppliers, builders and consumers alike. “From bolstering jobs and the supply chain to delivering cost-effective, renewable materials and creating high-quality, durable homes, timber framing is a success story from beginning to end. “I am eager to spotlight this valuable product and highlight its essential role in Australian homes.” In addition to existing campaign funding provided by the Timber Framing Collective funding partners, FWPA has committed further investment to ensure the ongoing success of the campaign. FWPA Head of Marketing and Communications, Sarah Downey, said FWPA was uniquely placed to use its well-established reach and influence to champion this message. “FWPA’s WoodSolutions program is a recognised brand across industry, with established connections and authority in the building design and construction sector,” said Ms Downey. “By bringing the timber framing campaign under the WoodSolutions umbrella, we can expand its reach and increase funding opportunities.” FWPA began management of the campaign from 1 July 2024.


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