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February 2010

Issue date: 
17 Feb 2010

Green, Greener, Greenest: Washington and Business Battle Over Policy Choices

The U.S. forest industry is learning it's no longer easy being green—and that might not be a bad thing when it comes to government support during tough economic times.

Issue date: 
Feb 18 2010

Södra’s 2010 target: One million hectares FSC

Feb 18 2010  Södra aims to have one million hectares of its members’ forests certified in accordance with the FSC standard by the end of 2010. This is in addition to the PEFC certification already held.

Issue date: 
Thursday, 18 February 2010

Big hopes for Russian timber industry recovery

Demand and production declining in the woodworking industry reached the lowest point. However, with this stage passed, manufacturers and authorities are to invest more in modernization, construction and infrastructure in order to return back to the pre-crisis indicators.

Issue date: 
February 16th, 2010

The New US Federal Program BCAP is Intended to Increase the Supply of Woody Biomass

Issue date: 
February 16th, 2010

Annual forestry exports up over 6 percent during 2009

Financing future forestry growth is the focus for a new forestry conference which is drawing a wide audience from both the finance sector and many new participants in the industry. reports Friday off cuts.”Many people in both the finance industry and the investment sector are waking up to the real opportunities which are happening now in New Zealand forestry”, said conference organiser John Stulen of the Forest Industry Engineering Association.

Issue date: 
February 16th, 2010

Weyerhaeuser & Mitsubishi jointly exploring biomass

Issue date: 
Feb 12, 2010

Facilitating forests of learning: Enabling an adaptive collaborative approach in community forestry user groups

Issue date: 
15th February, 2010

Jatropha is no miracle plant for hungry farmers

Everyone wants an alternative to fossil fuels, but in our rush to develop biofuel alternatives, we risk creating even worse problems for ourselves

Issue date: 
Andrew Wasley

Jatropha biofuels: UK investors sell controversial crop as 'green'

UK fund managers are selling investments in jatropha plantations as a wallet-swelling, planet-saving financial bonanza. But the reality for poor farmers is very different

Issue date: 
15th February, 2010

Jatropha biofuels: the true cost to Tanzania

Billed as wonder crop, the establishment of jatropha plantations on the ground in Tanzania has been far from successful, or, in some cases, ethical

Biofuel investment and production in Tanzania is a highly contentious issue.


by Dr. Radut