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December 2010

Issue date: 
December 28, 2010

Trees planted in China to neutralize carbon emissions of UN conference

Shanxi, Dec. 28, 2010 (Xinhua News Agency) -- A newly planted forest will neutralize carbon dioxide emissions from a UN climate change conference as China ups its efforts to combat climate change, an official said here Tuesday.

Issue date: 
December 29, 2010

Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact plan to restore 15 million hectares of forest

Pacto pela Restauração da Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact) is an alliance with the aim of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact is to restore 15 million hectares of the forest in Brazil by the year 2050, spread across annual plans approved by its Steering Committee.

Issue date: 
December 29, 2010

Wood prices in Canadian East much higher than in the West

Over the past 20 years, pulp mills in Eastern Canada have consistently had higher wood fiber costs than the mills in the Western provinces with the exception of a short period in 1995, according to the North American Wood Fiber Review.

Issue date: 
December 29, 2010

Increased produced pulp in Brazil

In 2010, the Brazilian pulp industry - Fibria and Suzano Papel e Celulose a global producer of bleached eucalyptus pulp produced 14 million tons of pulp, 9.8 million tons of paper and export revenues of U.S. $ 6.7 billion according to Bracelpa (Brazilian Association of Pulp and Paper).

Issue date: 
December 29, 2010

Exports of pulp from Indonesia should gain momentum in coming months

Exports of pulp from Indonesia should gain momentum in coming months, adding further instability to the market. The increased supply of raw materials from Indonesia, mainly to Chinese customers, due to local government approval for the planting of forests in new areas,  can lead to higher capacity utilization of factories. There is a new factory, in Kerinci (Sumatra), which should start producing 850 000 tones.

Issue date: 
December 30, 2010

US$33 bln to be spent to protect forests

The central government will spend 220 billion yuan ($33 billion) over the next decade to protect China's natural forests.

Issue date: 
Jun. 22, 2010

Brazil's Eldorado starts work on world's biggest pulp mill, also considers integrated tissue plant

TRÊS LAGOAS, June 22, 2010 (PPI Latin America) - The city of Três Lagoas in the Brazilian Midwest has definitely made its mark on the pulp and paper industry map with a project that will make it the largest pulp producer in the world.

Issue date: 
27 December 2010

Polish company to produce biochar in Altai Territory

The negotiations between forest holding Altailes and representatives of Ribegla company took place in Altai Territory.

Issue date: 
December 2010

EU tropical hardwood log imports fall to lowest level ever

The latest EU trade data indicates that imports of tropical hardwood logs into the region have continued to fall during the course of 2010. Overall imports during the first nine months of 2010 amounted to only 253,300 cu.m, 22% down compared to the same period in the previous year. The big decline in imports from Gabon following the country’s log export ban imposed from May 2010 has been only partially offset by increasing imports from other countries in the Congo basin.

Issue date: 
December 25, 2010

Fund company Banco: Forest companies are the largest carbon emitters

When the fund company Banco would make their environmental funds carbon-neutral, they discovered that two forest companies accounted for half of the funds' carbon dioxide emissions writes dn.se.
The forest companies, SCA and Stora Enso looked like real environmental villains in comparison with other companies according to Banco. - They must become better at managing their emissions or we will eventually reduce our holdings in the companies, "said Sacha Beslik to DN.se


by Dr. Radut