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February 2011

Issue date: 

The US REDD Strategy - geographically

Issue date: 
29 January 2011

Guyana position outlined at international forest legality workshop

AGRICULTURE Minister Robert Persaud said, Wednesday, that the Government has led efforts to strengthen forest legality to ensure access to traditional and new markets and is pursuing avenues to build on what was previously achieved. He was speaking to stakeholders at a European Union (EU) Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Awareness Workshop at Grand Coastal Inn, East Coast Demerara.

Issue date: 
January 29, 2011

The Potential of the Forest Rights Act


Issue date: 

Forest protection scheme benefits 10,000 highland families

Issue date: 
Jan, 30 2011

Group readies four states for REDD participation

In line with the Cross River State initiative, more states in Nigeria are making plans to be part of the socio-economically beneficial Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) climate mitigation scheme.

Issue date: 
Jan 30th, 2011

Koch Industries: The 100-Million Ton Carbon Gorilla

Issue date: 
01 February 2011

Report shows how secret land deals can fail to benefit African nations – and how to make them better

African nations risk giving investors access to large areas of land in rushed, secretive and one-sided deals that fail to deliver real benefits or create new social and environmental problems, according to the first ever legal analysis of contracts which is published today (31 January) by the International Institute for Environment and Development.

The report analyses 12 recent contracts through which investors have leased large areas of land in East, West, Central and Southern Africa for various agricultural activities. It found many problems with the contracts but also some signs of positive deals.

A number of the contracts reviewed appear to be heavily biased in favour of the investors, granting them long-term access to land at very low costs while, in return, requiring little from investors in the form of benefits for local people and safeguards to protect the environment.

"Contracts define the terms of an investment project, and the way risks, costs and benefits are distributed but most contracts for large-scale land deals in Africa are negotiated in secret," says report author Lorenzo Cotula. "Only rarely do local landholders have a say in those negotiations and few contracts are publicly available after they have been signed."

Over the past few years, agribusiness, investment funds and government agencies have been acquiring long-term rights over large areas of land in Africa, raising both the promise of development opportunities and fears of a new “land grab”.

Some of the contracts analysed by the report are just a few pages long, with scant details on what investors should do to ensure that risks will be properly managed and that expected benefits will materialise.

The long-term nature of the leases – commonly up to 100 years – mean that local communities will be separated from the land for generations. This threatens to eradicate longstanding livelihood strategies and agricultural knowledge. Also, some contracts grant investors priority rights over water, which can have adverse impacts on other water users in times of water shortage.

The land fees can be very low. One contract from Sudan leases land for less than a dollar per hectare per year. Others make no mention of land fees at all, or explicitly allocate land for free – as in one contract investors signed with Mali.

Expected benefits are often in the form of jobs or irrigation and infrastructure development, rather than rental fees. But some contracts appear to lack enforceable commitments, or fail to provide detail about how many and what kind of jobs the investment will create. And some contracts appear to say little about the social and environmental standards needed to protect local people and the environment, or about the mechanisms to protect local food security.

But the report also finds that there are exceptions. For example, some contracts negotiated by Liberia stand out for their shorter duration, their more specific investor commitments on jobs, training, local processing and local procurement, their greater attention to local food security, and their tighter social and environmental safeguards. In addition, the Liberian contracts are ratified by parliament and are available online.

According to the report, determined political leadership, a strong government negotiating team and world-class legal assistance enabled the Liberian government to get better contracts.

The report also argues that, irrespective of contract terms, process is also critical. In many of the contracts reviewed, local people appear to have been marginalised in decision-making – it is the government that usually calls the shots. This is because land is often owned by the state. But local people – farmers, herders, hunter-gatherers – may have used that land for generations and see it as theirs. The problem is that their customary rights may have no or little recognition under national law.

"Even in the better negotiated contracts, the gap between legality – whereby the government owns the land and can allocate it to investors – and legitimacy – whereby local people feel the land is theirs – exposes local groups to the risk of dispossession and investors to the risk of contestation," says Cotula.

Cotula adds: "Land deal negotiations are unfolding fast and behind closed doors. But secrecy and haste are no friends of good deals. Rather than rushing into land contracts, governments should promote transparent, vigorous public debate about the future of agriculture in their country – and producer organisations must be central to that debate."

The report can be downloaded here....


Issue date: 
Jan 28, 2011

Agricultural revenues, employment in Latin American tropical areas likely to decline with deforestation ban

Issue date: 
January 21 2011

Results of CPET’s 2010 review of forest certification schemes

Compliance with the UK government's timber procurement policy is mainly demonstrated by certification under either the FSC or PEFC schemes and the schemes are very important for the implementation of the policy.

Issue date: 
01 Feb 2011

Malaysia deforestation: Can palm oil plantations be good news?

Whilst the latest news on Malaysian deforestation is bad, it must be recognised that palm oil can be a positive force for the countries where it is grown, writes Adam Harrison of the World Wildlife Fund.

One of the biggest drivers of forest loss in Malaysia and Indonesia is palm oil.


by Dr. Radut