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October 2011

Issue date: 
Sep. 06, 2011

Peru awarded US$11mln grant for forest management

Peru has been awarded a US$11 million grant to help the country on the initiative of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) for sustainable forest management.

Issue date: 

Global Effort Aims to Restore 150 Million Hectares of Deforested Land

A global effort to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands by 2020 is being launched in Bonn, Germany.

Issue date: 
8 September 2011

Beijing Statement on Forests and Forestry--APEC

Beijing, China, September 7, 2011 - Recognizing the role of resource and energy constraints, climate change, loss of biological diversity, poverty, and food insecurity, APEC Ministers Responsible for Forestry released a statement to support green growth, sustainable forest management and rehabili

Issue date: 
Oct 6, 2011

Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper Celebrates the International Year of Forests by Supporting an NGO-Led Reforestation Project

Vienna, Austria, Oct 5, 2011 – To mark the UN designated International Year of Forests 2011, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper has launched a new initiative to support re-forestation around the world in conjunction with the NGO OroVerde. Mondi, an international paper and packaging company, will donate 1 percent of the net proceeds of Green Range certified copy paper sold on November 15th to the OroVerde project “Guatemala – Tree for Tree.” For every euro donated to the project one tree can be planted.

Issue date: 
October 18, 2011

Ministry seeks funding for environmental programmes

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment needs US$430 million to fund programmes over the next five years that aim to manage natural resources and the environment in regards to socio-economic development.

Issue date: 
Oct 11, 2011

UN-REDD Programme Draft Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria

Issue date: 
Oct 11, 2011

Stop Imminent Land Grab That Threatens More Than 162,000 People in Tanzania

Iowa-based investor Bruce Rastetter and fellow investors in the industrial agricultural corporation AgriSol Energy have their sights on 800,000 acres (325,000 hectares) of land in Tanzania that is

Issue date: 

Andritz AG auf 25 Mio. Dollar verklagt

Dem Grazer Anlagenbauer Andritz droht juristisches Ungemach in den USA: Das US-Unternehmen Ovalstrapping wirft dem österreichischen Konzern Diebstahl geistigen Eigentums vor und klagte auf mindestens 25 Millionen Dollar.

Issue date: 

American Manufacturer of Pulp and Paper Machinery Files Suit Against Andritz


Issue date: 
October 17, 2011

Japan approves 4 forestry CDM projects


Host country: Nicaragua

Project Name: South CDM reforestation project in Nicaragua

Activities Summary: reforestation of native species to the former pasture has declined by over-harvesting (area: 813ha)


by Dr. Radut