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November 2011

Issue date: 

Latin American partners awarded for sustainable forestry and microfinance

Oikocredit partners in Guatemala and Bolivia received awards for excellence in their operations. One successfully cares for the environment and generates jobs, while the other contributes to community development through microfinance.

Issue date: 
27 October 2011

Benefit sharing is key for the success of REDD in Tanzania

Issue date: 
October 30, 2011

Some Timberland Transactions and Other Stuff

I've had several requests for an update on issues surrounding timberland investments and transactions to date for 2011 so I am posting a chart of the transactions of which I am aware. I will also make a comment or two on conservation easements and on who is

Issue date: 
28 October, 2011

The importance of the domestic timber trade for FLEGT and REDD

ropenbos International would like to invite you to an informal networking event on 23 November 2011, to learn about the practical dilemmas of regulating domestic timber markets.

Issue date: 
Oct 29th 2011

A dull shade of green

REDUCING the risks of climate change is not a technological problem. There are many ways to generate electricity, drive cars or grow crops without emitting much carbon dioxide—but they are expensive.

Issue date: 
October 31, 2011

Other sources of softwood logs for China

SEATTLE, WA, Okt. 31, 2011 (RISI) - Note to RISI readers who may feel that we are becoming the "All China -- All the Time" channel: I really did have another subject in mind for this Viewpoint, on South America, but then I received an interesting email from Lithuania and got a bit side-tracked.

Issue date: 
Nov 1, 2011

Stora Enso planning new mill in China

Nov 1, 2011 Stora Enso is planning to build a new integrated carton board mill in southern China. The investment will be larger than the total cost for Stora Enso’s and Arauco’s pulp mill project in Uruguay.

Issue date: 
October 31, 2011

Positioned for Growth

It's no wonder Canada is a world leader in forestry and wood products. The country has 10 provinces, three territories and endless shorelines along the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Issue date: 
October 31, 2011

Report fails to see the forest for the carbon

At first glance, the latest biomass study out of Oregon State University seemed like bad news with a capital B. It certainly could pose yet another obstacle for champions of woody biomass removal, the latest and perhaps best hope to address the problems of our rural forest communities.

Issue date: 
October 31, 2011

UD didn’t pursue abuse of aid funds

Audits finally conducted of Norway’s foreign aid to Tanzania revealed irregularities and corruption, but critics claim Norwegian officials reacted much too mildly.


by Dr. Radut