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Has Illegal logging dropped the last decade, we doubt...►

So, when talking about progress in combating of “illegal logging” by facts, two figures are necessary: the amount of illegal logging at the starting point (back at the beginning of the decade) and the current amount of illegal logging. Coming back to the statement of Nadine Laporte, we will compare figures with very different error bars. The confidence interval of the early figures is huge whilst the error bars of the recent figures are much smaller. It’s like comparing apples with oranges.

Is Conservation the main deal for REDD+? ►

The Sustainable Forest Management System of Austria could save those people who are directly affected by climate change processes such as REDD+, the fate of life in "reserves". And it also offers these people a smooth transition into a new era and the most extensive painless entry into a global world. It would leave them their dignity and they could continue to be proud making their living by their own hands work with their forests.

Is illegal logging the main source of deforestation? ►

There is stats published by UNFCCC in 2007 - Wood extraction for commercial timber (legal and illegal) counts for 14% of total deforestation & degradation activities - extract the legal part plus extract those parts of illegal timber not going to international sales - so what remains?

Do we have to stop deforestation at all costs? ►

“Just paying money for reducing deforestation and improving conservation practices measured by environmental records like carbon sequestration will not solve the problem – it will still worsen it!”


Survival of the fittest – also true for the forest, paper and packaging industry?►

Do you think global Pulp & Paper Industry is ready for the challenges of the 21th century? Or is it still on trial and error path?


Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU, FLEGT and REDD+ ►

Why is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU fostering Deforestation or why is the EU fighting illegal logging but not deforestation?



vor 13 Jahre 8 months
Duly to yearly climate change negotiations on technical level in Bonn, Germany some stakeholders have published their view on the state of negotiations. Below you will find some interesting excerpt of documentes published so far:   1. There is good paper from Carbon TradeWatch describing the key players in REDD+ negotiations. This paper is for all those people who just want to jumped into this topic and need to get some basic background info. The paper is written by REDD+ opponents.         2. The second paper is from IUCN (The international Union for conservation of nature) and is focuses on...
vor 14 Jahre 4 Wochen
Last weekend (4.2.2011/5.2.2011) we had been witnesses of some interesting information campaign in the UK: Friday, Februray 4, 2011 U.K. Firms are Leading the Fight Against Deforestation Saturday, Februray 5, 2011 Illegal timber sold by British businesses is putting world's forests at risk In general nothing would be wrong with these two headlines because illegal logging is not directly related to deforestation. So UK companies could curb deforestation by buying illegally logged timber at the same time. Why? Because illegally logged...
vor 14 Jahre 1 month
  IUFRO came up with a new study about REDD. It's an impressive pack of information and a lots of background info. And of course people immediately started to interpret their own thoughts and ideas on the "results" of this study. Here is an overview of what people are reading out of the study: Forests: REDD or dead? (Richard Black, BBC) UN forest protection plans failing because of land scarcity and demand for food (Tom Levitt, The Ecologist) To succeed, REDD should consider factors outside forest sector (Mongabay) Scientists urge UN to shield forest communities from REDD...
vor 14 Jahre 1 month
So, illegal logging fell in the last decade (reported by Chatham House and World Resource Institute). By examining official government data, checking with local experts, and conducting various analyses, the authors—Sam Lawson of Chatham House and Larry MacFaul of the Verification Research, Training and Information Centre—conclude that illegal logging has fallen substantially, By extrapolating from these countries, Lawson and MacFaul arrived at an estimated 22% drop globally. "We're very confident about our conclusions in general terms," says Lawson. The reasons for this are named by "Better...
vor 14 Jahre 2 months
►You can find more info here... ►UNFCCC COP 16 Side Events details   Triple Crises --> very good summary! It has been twelve weeks since the conclusion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancún. There were mixed feelings on the Cancún outcome. While many felt that, in substantive terms, not much was achieved, the agreement was also perceived as process-saving, especially when compared with the Copenhagen debacle a year earlier, and thus the closing session in Cancún met with thunderous applause. Read further...   ⇒The Global Caonpy Program (GCP) The main outcome to...
vor 14 Jahre 3 months
One week of Cancun talks have passed by and I just can't stop wondering! Seems the world gets more wired any time when people meet for negotiations on what should happen to forests. All of you who may have watched the negotiations regarding REDD+ over the last years have realized an ongoing controversial discussion between people who are propagating "conservation" (the lobby of the so called "environmental NGOs") and people who are representing the rights of indigenous people. This discussion mainly targets on the problem of displacement of people when it comes to put forests under...
vor 14 Jahre 3 months
"The negotiations went right down to the wire, but after three weeks of haggling they got a deal on Friday night. The most important target set by the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 will increase the area of protected land in the world – no farming or grazing, no forestry – from 12.5% to 17%." read more here Let's see how this will be handled. Hopefully the idea is not to transform those 60 Million people who live in and from forests to caretakers of parkways (and to paupers)... Why this should not happen you can read here... Try the taste of a CBD-driven forestry solution...
vor 14 Jahre 4 months
Last weeks had been quite busy regarding News in the context of forests, REDD+ and all this environmental stuff. Even before and during the last climate meetings in Tianjin (UN Climate Change Conference) there have been dozens of news messages, articles and stories all dealing with forests and REDD+ and Conservation... But since begin of this week (18.10.2010) all sources are silent. There is near to nothing regarding REDD+ and forest in the news... Even REDD-Monitor is silent... What happened? The reason is a simple one: It seems that all of these people who are taking care of the global...
vor 14 Jahre 4 months
English Wieder einmal wird uns gesagt wie denn die Entwaldung unserer Regenwälder gestoppt werden kann: „der stehende Baum muss mehr wert sein als der gefällte Baum“ – und da Landwirtschaft nun einmal der Hauptverursacher der tropischer Regenwaldzerstörung ist, müssen somit die „opportunity costs“ durch REDD+ abgedeckt werden. Will heißen, der Profit aus den Geldgeschenken des REDD+ Prozesses muss höher sein als der Profit, der aus einer  landwirtschaftlichen Nachnutzung eines gerodeten Regenwaldstückes erzielt werden kann. Allerdings, auch das ist noch so einfach: denn der Profit aus...
vor 14 Jahre 4 months
A note by the editor of ForestIndustries.EU November 2012: Bolivia and RECOFTC came up with the idea of setting up sustainable forest management (SFM) as a very import action to REDD. December 2012: Property rights matter - just as we have stated in our article: Give land to farmers, and they will stop deforestation September 2013: Communities need more than money to stop clearing their forests, new research shows Background Deforestation and forest degradation, through agricultural expansion, conversion to pastureland, infrastructure development, destructive logging, fires etc...


by Dr. Radut