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REDD+ and Palm Oil

Issue date: 
March 31, 2011

New World Growth report contains 'false and misleading' information

A new report from World Growth International, a lobby group for industrial forestry interests, contains "false and misleading" information on the economic impact of reducing Indonesia's deforestation rate, says an Indonesian environmental group.

The report, released today, claims that reducing deforestation in Indonesia will cost the country 3.5 million jobs annually by slowing growth of the forestry sector.

Issue date: 
25th March, 2011

Palm oil giants target Africa in 'land grab' following Indonesia deforestation ban

Indonesia's move to bring in a two-year moratorium on new palm oil plantations to protect its remaining rainforests has seen agribusiness giants like Sime Darby switch expansion plans to Cameroon, Ghana and Liberia

Issue date: 
March 7, 2011

Palm Oil Plantations Equal Deforestation

Issue date: 
February 4, 2011

Massive UN-Supported African Palm Plantations Leading to Oppression, Kidnapping and Murder

Issue date: 
01 Feb 2011

Malaysia deforestation: Can palm oil plantations be good news?

Whilst the latest news on Malaysian deforestation is bad, it must be recognised that palm oil can be a positive force for the countries where it is grown, writes Adam Harrison of the World Wildlife Fund.

One of the biggest drivers of forest loss in Malaysia and Indonesia is palm oil.

Issue date: 
Nov 8, 2010

EU Biofuels Goals May Increase Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Lobby Groups Say

Biofuels targets in the European Union could raise emissions of greenhouse gases because forests and wetlands will be destroyed to grow the crops necessary, nine environmental groups said in a

Issue date: 
Oct. 7, 2010

New Ad Says World Bank Plan Deserts Poor, Restricts Fight Against Hunger


WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An http://www.worldgrowth.org/assets/files/WG-Politico%20Ad_10-7-10.pdf" target="_blank" onclick="var

Issue date: 
02 September 2010

The Fight Over Palm Oil Funding

Called the Draft Framework for Engagement in the Palm Oil Sector, the 48-page document by the IFC seeks to provide

Issue date: 
August 31, 2010

The Missionary Position: The export of carbon guilt to the developing world

The advocates of renewable energy have long chanted a mantra of “green jobs, energy security and lower emissions”, but in country after country we continue to see a fork in the road emerging whereby individual nations are forced to make choices between lowering (global) emissions or developin

Issue date: 
July 13, 2010

Degraded Land, Sustainable Palm Oil, and Indonesia’s Future

A new policy to develop oil palm on degraded land could protect Indonesia’s forests. But what does “degraded” really mean?


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by Dr. Radut