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REDD+ Capacity Building

Issue date: 
July 24, 2010

New Casebook of On-the-Ground REDD Project Experience

Read at : Forest Policy Info Mailing List <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>

New Casebook of On-the-Ground REDD Project Experience

Issue date: 
July 13, 2010

What’s Next for Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on Forests?

In May 2010, Norway agreed to contribute up to $1 billion towards reducing deforestation and forest degradation and loss of peatland in Indonesia, which now account for more than 80 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. The “Letter of Intent” is a promising first step, yet the two countries must still settle key details of the agreement. Below is WRI’s analysis of the Letter of Intent and recommendations for what should be addressed next.

Issue date: 
June 4, 2010

Realising Rights, Protecting Forests: An Alternative Vision for Reducing Deforestation

The Accra Caucus on Forests and Climate Change is a network of southern and northern NGOs representing around 100 civil society and Indigenous Peoples' organizations from 38 countries, formed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Accra, Ghana in 2008.

Issue date: 
May 11, 2010

Cambodia: Case Study on Community REDD+ Project in Oddar Meanchey Province

Issue date: 
May 2010

Land dispute over REDD pilot project area ends in Cambodia

Official in Oddar Meanchey province on Monday began relocating a group of 200 families living in a protected forest area near Samraong town, ending a standoff that led to a violent altercation between villagers and Forestry Department workers in March, officials said.
Issue date: 
May 20, 2010

Tanzania: Norway to organize Oslo climate conference

A MAJOR global conference to form the first real genuine partnership to fight climate change through Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) in developing countries will be held in Oslo, Norway later this month.

The conference which is expected to be attended by the Minister of State at Vice President's Office responsible for the Environment, Dr Batilda Buriani, will be hosted by the Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg.

Issue date: 
April 2010

Forest and Forest Land Allocation in Vietnam: Some Open Questions

Notwithstanding issues affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of forest and forest land allocation policies, Vietnam is at a cross-road at the time market-based mechanisms for forest conservation, such as REDD, are attracting an increasing and vibrant interest in international Climate Chan

Issue date: 
May 4, 2010

Annual Progress Report on REDD-plus enablers – 2009 – for the Norway-Guyana MoU

The report on the Norway-Guyana MoU is an unusual event in the normally secretive apparatus of government in Guyana.

Issue date: 
16 April 2010

REDD manuals: What is REDD and what to do with REDD?

Issue date: 
28 April 2010

Indigenous Lands: Painful History of State Control Over Forests Traced by ‘Heavily Deforested Footprints’

Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; Ninth Session; 12th & 13th Meetings (AM & PM):


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by Dr. Radut