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REDD+ for Dummies

Issue date: 
12 March 2010

The UN-REDD Programme releases its inaugural Year in Review report for 2009

The UN-REDD Programme releases its inaugural Year in Review report for 2009.

Issue date: 

The Forest Leakage Problem

By Reimund Schwarze, John O. Niles, and Jacob Olander

Issue date: 
Feb 2, 2010

The financial costs of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD)

This study reviews the financial costs of abating greenhouse gas emissions through reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). It is written from the perspective of an institutional investor seeking cost-effective climate mitigation options.

Issue date: 
January 27, 2010

REDDucing the Effects of Climate Change

It’s been a month after COP 15, the UN Climate Change conference that was supposed to give the world a new system for reducing carbon emissions.

A month to reflect, regroup, and respond to this reporter’s questions about what happened, and what didn’t, in Copenhagen.

REDD for Dummies

TREES are one of the most efficient systems of carbon capture and storage on the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, locking the carbon into their roots, trunk, branches, twigs and leaves and the soil. They are so good at this that about 20% of the greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere can be attributed to deforestation. In the run-up to the climate talks in Copenhagen in December, bright minds around the world are negotiating a formal scheme for reducing the loss of trees as a way of lowering the world’s carbon emissions.

Issue date: 
December, 2009

Deforestation and REDD Facts & Figures

Primary forest loss

The following section is a quantitative look at primary forest loss.

More than seven million hectares of primary forest were lost on an annual basis between 2000 and 2005, the most recent period for which data is available from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. Roughly half this loss occurred in Brazil, which is home to the largest extent of tropical forest in the world: the Amazon.

Issue date: 
Jun 29, 2009

Historical background of REDD

June 29, 2009: A New Idea to Save Tropical Forests Takes Flight and then in 2005, a small group of countries changed everything. Papua New Guinea teamed up with Costa Rica and a handful of other countries to make a formal plea to the United Nations.

Issue date: 
June 2, 2009

Understanding carbon offsets

This is a series of articles (started here, June, 1st 2009) taken from GRIST, Offsets are still counterfeit carbon credits

The arguments in favor of counterfeit carbon credits still fail no matter how often they are repeated


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by Dr. Radut