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REDD+ Governance

Issue date: 
July 2010

GEF Publishes Brief on Financing for Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+

July 2010: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has published a brief describing its investment programme for sustainable forest management (SFM) and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks ( REDD+), as well as opportunities for funding of forest-related activities in the fifth GEF cycle (GEF-5).

UNDP: Multi-Donor Trust Fund Office - UN-REDD sheet

The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD Programme) is a collaboration between FAO, UNDP and UNEP. A multi-donor trust fund was established in July 2008 that allows donors to pool resources and provides funding to activities towards this programme.

Issue date: 
July 13, 2010

What’s Next for Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on Forests?

In May 2010, Norway agreed to contribute up to $1 billion towards reducing deforestation and forest degradation and loss of peatland in Indonesia, which now account for more than 80 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. The “Letter of Intent” is a promising first step, yet the two countries must still settle key details of the agreement. Below is WRI’s analysis of the Letter of Intent and recommendations for what should be addressed next.

Issue date: 
6 July 2010

Nested REDD+ vital in forest solution: Report

In order for REDD+ to be successful in halting deforestation in developing countries, carbon finance incentives will need to be delivered through smaller scale channels as well as big national bureacracies, The Nature Conservancy argues. To this end, the Nature Conservancy has issued a report, ‘A Nested Approach to REDD+’, proposing ways that REDD+ forest carbon projects and programmes at the smaller end of the scale could operate within big national schemes.

Issue date: 
June 2010

Ensuring the rights of forest people in REDD+ programmes

The idea behind REDD+ is simple: Reward the people who manage forest resources in developing countries so they reduce emissions and increase removals of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Issue date: 
June 2007

Roads, Development and Deforestation: a review

Social and economic development has historically been associated with spatial expansion of connection networks.

Issue date: 
4 June, 2010

REDD-plus, forest people’s rights and nested climate governance

A forthcoming editorial in the journal Global Environmental Change discusses three broad principles for protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and members of local communities under REDD-plus actions.

Issue date: 
May 2010

IUCN Position Paper on REDD in Developing Countries

IUCN, June 2010 | IUCN urges Parties to reach an agreement on a REDD-plus mechanism that recognizes that avoiding greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation is a necessary component of achieving deep cuts in all sources of anthropogenic emissions in order to mitigate cl

Issue date: 
June 2010

Benefits of Tropical Forest Management under the New Climate Change Agreement

For citation: Sasaki, N. & Yoshimoto, A. (2010) Benefits of Tropical Forest Management under the New Climate Change Agreement—A Case Study in Cambodia.

Good-Governance is a substantial part of any national REDD+ program...

In the draft UNFCCC REDD+ text that came out of the negotiations last year in Copenhagen, three of seven safeguards to be supported and promoted when undertaking REDD+ activities relate to governance:

2(b) Transparent and effective national forest governance structures...

2(c) Respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and members of local


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by Dr. Radut