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Issue date: 
September 23, 2010

Laos, Finland and World Bank cooperate in sustainable forestry management

(KPL) The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and donors of the Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development Project (SUFORD) were satisfied with the progress that had been achieved.

Issue date: 
September 23, 2010

Strengthening National REDD+ Readiness Through Regional Collaboration

The Winrock-implemented Asia Regional Biodiversity Conservation Program

Issue date: 
June 03, 2010

Forestry dept: development must balance with environmental protection

Forestry officials have warned this week that all development projects need to take environmental protection into account, to ensure the sustainable growth of the national economy.

Issue date: 
June 2010

PR Lao is joining Forest Investment Program (FIP)


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by Dr. Radut