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Issue date: 
April 4, 2011

Germany funds forestry protection project

The German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) has provided 4 million euros to the Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) project in Laos.

Issue date: 
Jan, 02 2011

Germany, GTZ: Federal Government signs agreement on forest-protection projects

In the margins of the UN Climate Change Conference (29.11. – 10.12.2010 in Cancun, Mexico), the Federal Government signed an agreement with the World Bank on the funding of forest-protection projects.

Issue date: 
September 24, 2010

ERA Executes Term Sheet with the Forest Carbon Group AG for the Sale of 1,800,000 Tonnes of VERs over 3 Years

Sept 24, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia: ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd. (TSX-V: ESR) through its 100% owned subsidiary ERA Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc, (ERA) is pleased to announce that it has executed a term sheet for the sale of 1,800,000 tonnes of Verified Emission Reductions (VER) to the German based Forest Carbon Group AG.

Issue date: 
Sept. 1, 2010


LAVAL, QC, Sept.

Issue date: 
Aug. 24, 2010

Enviva LP Signs Long-Term Wood Pellet Supply Agreement with Utility Electrabel, Group GDF SUEZ

Enviva Will Supply Biomass to Meet Half of a Major Power Plant's Fuel Requirements, Powering Hundreds of Thousands of Homes with Renewable Energy.

Issue date: 

Analysis of the Implementation of Horse Applications within Forestry Operations

Analysis of the Implementation of Horse Applications within Forestry Operations in the German-Polish Border Region

Horse applications always had a huge meaning in forestry. Its suitability for the labour in the forest and the ability to fulfil multiple tasks made the horse to the human’s main support for the utilization of forests. Before the development of machines, able to operate in the forest, horse applications were indispensable for the extraction of timber. But with coming up of professional machines for forestry purposes and the rise of expenses for operators in the 1970’s, the horse lost its major role for logging in Germany. This study is supposed to clarify the current role of horses in forestry and to compare the development and trends of the border region of Germany and Poland. Differences in the implementation as same as the evaluation of the horse as suitable application should be pointed out. For that purpose a written questionnaire was handed to forest enterprises and service providers in the border area of both countries. The evaluation of the questionnaires turned out a more intensive implementation of horse applications in Poland. There, private forest service providers are the main horse keeper. In contrast, through German firms the state-run businesses are mostly in possession of horses. Further, the numbers of animals owned by individual firms are much higher in Poland than in Germany. In both countries the most common utilization of the horses are pre-skidding operations. There, horse applications are under certain circumstances appreciated and seen as an efficient approach for the extraction of timber by horse owner as same as none horse keeper of both countries. Additional occupations are the support during felling, little transports in the forest and tillage actions. Most horse keeper will stay at their animals and use them with the same intensity. But a few horse owners also take into consideration the annulment of their horses, thoughts that are more widely spread in Germany as in Poland. Further, in both countries the purchase of new horses is in most cases not an issue. Though, within the German interviewed companies the implementation of horse applications are generally more accepted by none horsekeeping firms as it is through Polish firms of the region. A fact, which can at least secure the employment of the current German horse logger of the region for the coming years.

Issue date: 
8 August 2010

The world's first really green oil deal

The world's first genuinely green energy deal is about to be sealed. In a plan which could be a blueprint for saving large tracts of the planet from exploitation, a greater value is being put on a pristine wilderness than on the oil that lies beneath.

Issue date: 
June 24, 2010

German firm wants Abitibi mill: Newfoundland minister

A German company is hoping to take control of the former AbitibiBowater paper mill in central Newfoundland, Natural Resources Minister Kathy Dunderdale revealed in the house of assembly Thursday afternoon.

Issue date: 
April 04, 2010

Germany backs RP initiatives on climate change

Issue date: 
May 14, 2010

Germany's millions to help curb carbon through 2015

This week Central America and the Dominican Republic launched a new plan backed by Germany to combat climate change in the region.


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by Dr. Radut