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Issue date: 
20 May 2010

Komi to develop OSB production - Syktyvkar

Safwood (Italy) is to launch OSB production in the Komi Republic by February 2012. The mill will be constructed from scratch with investment volume amounting to EUR 125 mln, of them EUR 72.5 mln to be provided by banks.

Issue date: 
19 May 2010

Irkutsk region to get two pulp and paper mills

CJSC Priangarye Investment Group is to construct two new pulp and paper mills in the Irkutsk region – in Taishet and Ust-Kuta. Investment volume amounts to USD 3.4 bln and will be provided by China Development Bank and Vneshekonombank (Russia).

Issue date: 
17 May 2010

New log sorting lines for Russian sawmills

Hekotek signed new contracts – two log sorting lines are to be supplied to the sawmills of Eastern Siberia (Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk area).


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by Dr. Radut