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Issue date: 
August 13, 2010

Appeals court allows logging Oregon old growth

GRANTS PASS, Ore. – A federal appeals court Friday cleared the way for logging to resume in an old growth forest reserve at a national forest in Oregon to protect northern spotted owl habitat from being lost to wildfire.

Issue date: 
August 1st, 2010

Failure of Climate Bill - How does it affect Forestry and REDD?

I think we would all agree that it is a disappointment that the US Senate didn't take up a climate bill that included a cap and trade system to finally put a price on carbon and begin reducing emissions.

Issue date: 
26 Jul 2010

Why did the climate bill fail?

With the climate bill officially dead, there's already a trickle of "who's to blame and what they should have done differently" pieces. I expect it will soon become a flood.

Issue date: 

Brazilian debt exchanged for forestry protection

The US and Brazil have signed an agreement whereby US$21 million (£13.5 million) of Brazilian debt will be put into a fund for the protection of the country’s rainforest and tropical ecosystems.

The US has agreed that instead of paying back its debt, the money will be utilised to protect the Caatinga and Cerrado ecosystems and conserve the rainforest on the Atlantic coast. These three areas in Brazil are currently under threat of serious deforestation but do not receive as much attention or publicity as the Amazon region.

Issue date: 

Biomass power plant finds wood to burn

The company that wants to build a controversial wood-burning power plant near Shelton has signed a fuel-supply contract with Mason County’s largest private timberland owner – Green Diamond Resource Co.

Terms of the contract were not disclosed, but Adage spokesman Tom DePonty said the agreement should provide about 20 percent of the 604,000 tons of wood debris the company needs to power its plant each year.

It is the first fuel-supply contract signed by Adage and a forest landowner for the $250 million project.

Issue date: 
28 July 2010

Sparks fly over study suggesting wildfires cut CO2

Call it a hot topic. A study suggesting that intentional forest blazes could significantly cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wildfires in the Western United States has prompted a piquant scholarly quarrel. The exchange highlights the challenge forest managers may face in balancing plans to use fire to restore forest ecosystems with efforts to curb carbon emissions.

Issue date: 
August 10th, 2010

Avoiding Planned Deforestation

The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a non-profit enterprise of Winrock International, welcomes feedback from its members, project proponents and other interested parties on the ACR Methodology for REDD – Avoiding Planned Deforestation

Issue date: 
August 5th, 2010

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in California Compliance Market

The winds of change are blowing across the climate change policy landscape. With legislation stalled in the Senate, attention now shifts to state and regional initiatives.

Issue date: 
July 31, 2010

ARB Sees REDD in AB32 Future

With the fall of the US federal climate bill, eyes are shifting west to California's Air Resources Board (ARB) as it nears the November release of its cap-and-trade regulations under AB32.

Issue date: 
July 31st, 2010

The 23 Most Cost-Effective Policies for Stopping Climate Change

The Center for Climate Strategies has issued a report laying out in detail the cost/benefit analysis underpinning 23 policy options and their expected net cost per ton of greenhouse gases removed.


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by Dr. Radut