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Issue date: 
December, 20 2010

Asian Development Bank grants $69m for forest protection project

MANILA — The Asian Development Bank last week approved loans and grants worth US$69 million to Cambodia, Laos, and Viet Nam for a community-based initiative to protect more than 1.9 million ha of threatened forests where 170,000 mostly poor people live.

Issue date: 

Workshop on Finn funded Deforestation and Forest Degradation research

A workshop to discuss a report aiming for technical assistance in the Development of the National REDD programme (United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) for Vietnam was organised at the

Issue date: 

Fighting deforestation in Lam Dong

22/09/2010 // Vietnam is about to enter a second phase in its efforts of reducing green house gas

Issue date: 
30 June 2010

Vietnam Implementing Nationwide Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services

The government of Vietnam has spent two years piloting regional schemes that use economic incentives to preserve forests by getting businesses that benefit from them to pay people who preserve them.  Now it’s taking the scheme nationwide.

Issue date: 

Reducing CO2: Vietnam stands at the forefront

VietNamNet Bridge – On the occasion of an international conference on “Payments for Environmental Services and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation” (REDD)

Issue date: 
March 2010

UN-REDD: Viet Nam

The Department of Forestry and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, supported in their efforts by the UN-REDD programme, are making rapid progress towards ensuring that Viet Nam is “REDD-ready”. 


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by Dr. Radut