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Timber-import trade associations merge to European umbrella federation ETTF

12 August 2009: The interests of the European timber trade will be represented by the newly established umbrella organisation European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF) in the future.

50% of North American OSB capacity closed

The extreme weakness in the U.S. housing industry has created a huge over-supply of OSB capacity with no other options or markets to pursue. This has led to below cost prices for much of 2009.

China forestry sector output totals $195 bln

China forestry sector output totals $195 bln, up 13% year on year

Record losses of Global Forest Products Industry in 2008

TORONTO, June 24 /CNW/ - The Top 100 Forest, Paper and Packaging (FPP) companies from around the world saw net income tumble from positive $13.8 billion in 2007 to record losses of $8.0 billion in 2008, the first time this metric has been negative since 1996, the date PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) began the annual PwC Global Forest, Paper & Packaging Industry Survey. This year's survey shows that:

Russland wird den Zoll auf Holzexporte nicht erhöhen

...für Finnland

Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009:

Vladimir Putin bestätigte gestern das Aussetzen der Erhöhung des Zolls auf die Ausfuhr von Rundholz aus Russland nach Finnland.

Beide Regierungen haben ein Handelsabkommen über Rundholzexporte geschlossen - berichtet das Russische Handelsbüro "Runa"

Forest Products Industry CEO's on how to reboot global economy

A rescue plan for Canada's forest industry

To say that times are tough in the Canadian forestry sector is a gross understatement. With the U.S. housing collapse and global financial services meltdown, the sector has lost 50,000 jobs and more than 250 mills over the past two years.


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by Dr. Radut