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Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft

Issue date: 
31 Mar 2011

As Larger Animals Decline, Forests Feel Their Absence

With giant tortoises, elephants, and other fruit-eating animals disappearing from many of the world’s tropical woodlands, forests are suffering from the loss of a key function performed by these creatures: the dispersal of tree seeds. But a new experiment shows that introduced species may be able to fulfill this vital ecological role. by sharon levy

Issue date: 
21 March 2011

International Policy Award for Visionary Forest Policies:

Issue date: 
March 21, 2011

Where does the future lie for forestry?

This year’s World Forestry Day is special, as 2011 is also the International Year of Forests.

Issue date: 
24 March 2011

The Russian forests are at the focus and under close examination

Issue date: 
14 March 2011

International: Biodiversity And Livelihoods - REDD-plus Benefits

The importance of biodiversity and livelihood aspects within the design of REDD-plus has been recognized at many levels. Achieving these multiple benefits will require new levels of collaboration among different actors at national and international levels.

Issue date: 

Green Injustice: Environmentalists practice Corporate Social Irresponsibility

It's trendy to talk about "corporate social responsibility." The idea is companies have obligations beyond making a profit for their shareholders or creating products and services that their customers want; they have responsibilities to wider society as well.

Issue date: 
March 18, 2011

Mexico Going Green

When looking at the remarkably complex world of carbon offset, REDD+, sustainable forestry and natural resource management, Mexico is emerging as one of the world’s leading open-air laboratories.

Issue date: 
March 19, 2011

REDD Danger

Issue date: 
March 25, 2011

Forests, fields key to future

BYRNEWALLACE: From sustainable forestry credits to food emission labelling, the agriculture sector needs legislation now in order to encourage change

Issue date: 
March 21st, 2011

World Forestry Day reflections – what next for REDD+?


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by Dr. Radut