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Nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft

Issue date: 
May 30, 2011

The international regulation of sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
19 May 2011

Recent Violence Shows That Sustainable Forest Management Doesn't Exist in the Country, Says Greenpeace

Issue date: 
June 07, 2011

90% of tropical forests managed poorly or not at all

Issue date: 
Jun 6, 2011

Rising forest density offsets climate change: study

Issue date: 
3 Jun 11

Some backgroundinfo on the forest logging moratorium in Indonesia

FORESTS As Life Support is the theme of World Environment Day this Sunday. But as Indonesian government officials and environmentalists alike celebrate the vital role the nation's forests play in sustaining biodiversity and maintaining a stable global climate, they remain deeply divided about the effectiveness of official preservation measures.

Issue date: 
29 May 2011

Smart-REDD plan targets causes of deforestation

Issue date: 
May 31, 2011

Congo's poor need incentives to save giant forest

Simon Kasagana knows his meager livelihood depends on the forest, but like many others eking out a living in the vast Congo basin, he has little choice but to destroy it.

Issue date: 
Jun 4, 2011

Forest summit promises closer ties for poor nations

BRAZZAVILLE (Reuters) - Leaders from the world's three largest forest basins said they would work together to tackle deforestation, on the final day of a weeklong conference, in Brazzaville.

Issue date: 
06 June 2011

Guyana, Congo ink five-year agreement to enhance sustainable management of forest

Issue date: 
May 31, 2011

Indonesia forest decree to help CO2 projects, enforcement key

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A landmark forest protection ruling by Indonesia might be good for investors trying to save carbon-rich forests, but only if a ban is enforced and progress is made in using the market to save the environment.


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by Dr. Radut