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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
August 17th, 2011

Grassy Narrows First Nation win legal battle that may end clearcut logging in their Territory

The Grassy Narrows First Nation (Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek) won a major victory yesterday in their more than decade long battle to stop clearcut logging in Grassy Narrows’ traditional territory in Northwestern Ontario.

Issue date: 
August 17, 2011

Burns Lake Community forest fined for visual quality objectives infraction

What is valued and significant and what is not?

The interpretation of scenic vistas in the local area is highly subjective and difficult to interpret say two local forest industry representatives.

Issue date: 
August 18, 2011

Protected areas are more effective at reducing deforestation when they allow sustainable forest use

Guest blogger Kenneth Chomitz, Sr. Adviser, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank shares the highlights of a new study comparing deforestation in protected vs. sustainably managed forests. 

Issue date: 
August 12th, 2011

The Money Tree

Dirk Brinkman has been selling trees since 1970, before carbon had anything to do with it.

Issue date: 
Aug 9, 2011

Preserving the cloud forest through Ethiopian-German partnership

A multifaceted project to preserve one of the last of Ethiopia's native forests has been underway for the past four years with the support of Germany's International Climate Initiative and NABU, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union. The project focuses on reforestation, job creation in the region and the introduction of sustainable forest management practices. The area was officially named a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve earlier this year.

Issue date: 
August 12, 2011

New Report Shows B.C. Lagging Behind in Creating Sustainable Forestry Jobs

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is calling out B.C.'s forest industry for lagging behind developing sustainable jobs.  A new report says the province risks losing further ground on the processed wood market if efforts are not made to both renew our forests and create more long-term jo

Issue date: 

Dilemma: encouraging continuous improvement or endorsement greenwash?

A few weeks ago, WWF was attacked by the international NGO Global Witness in a widely publicised report Pandering to the loggers. It is a case which raises some important dilemmas about the choice that NGOs (and others) have to make between carrot and stick.
Issue date: 
30 July 2011

Toshaos agree by majority vote on resolution to fast track Norway forest funds

Amerindian leaders have agreed by majority vote to a resolution calling for the fast-tracking of the institutional requirements for the release of the Norway funds critical to the implementation of projects under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

Issue date: 
August 10, 2011

Congo to 'reforest' with plantations across one million hectares

The Republic of the Congo has announced a new program to create plantations across one million hectares (2.47 million acres) of degraded forest lands.

Deforestation, Wood Harvesting Not Correlated

Industrial timber use has provided timber revenue that has helped make timber supply and demand more sustainable in the leading timber producing regions of the world.


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by Dr. Radut