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Carbon trade or tax?

Britain’s faith in carbon trading as a way of reducing greenhouse gases could be dangerously misplaced, according to an independent academic working with the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

REDD carbon trading - the next bluff of finance markets?

LONDON/NUSA DUA, Indonesia (Reuters) - It could save the rainforests of Borneo, slow climate change and the international community backs it. But a plan to pay tropical countries not to chop down trees risks being discredited by opportunists even before it starts.

Carbon trading activity doubles over year in spite of price falls

The carbon market showed a remarkable growth spurt in the first quarter of this year, with trading volumes up 37 per cent, new data show. Trading was driven by price volatility and companies selling carbon permits to raise short-term cash.

Climate change might reverse forests carbon sinks

Apr 23, 2009: New study warns that forests are at risk of becoming net sources of carbon instead of net sinks

Trees instead of ethanol...

It didn't take long for the debate on biofuels to heat up again, despite the bottom-of-the-barrel price of oil and an economy in the drink. This time, it was a study published in the February issue of Science that said corn-based ethanol could add nearly twice as many greenhouse emissions as fossil fuels. Not to be left out, the California State Regulators, among others, have jumped into the fray and now seem ready to declare that biofuel will not help reduce global warming.

US Black liquor subsidies worries sector

A federal program intended to promote the use of renewable fuels is instead encouraging U.S. paper companies to pursue some rather "un-green" practices, such as substituting virgin pulp for recycled pulp.

EU carbon trading failed

The free market has got us into this mess, and the free market will get us out of it.

This nonsensical idea is at the heart of all carbon trading measures, the Rudd government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) included.

Climate killer toilet paper

You can find the related articles >>here<< and >>here<<

Soft toilet paper is ruining the planet--huh?

Allen Hershkowitz, Senior Scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and (I perceive) a long time enemy of the forest products industry, pronounced last week that using soft toilet paper is harmful to the planet's health.

On one hand, I am encouraged that we have cleaned up our act to the point that what we use to clean our behinds is all Hershkowitz apparently has left to complain about. On the other, thanks for hitting our fine industry when it's down, Allen.

Stimulus Plans to foil Climate Change Programs

Economic stimulus plans being rolled out across the world could commit countries to rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions, cancelling some of the green initiatives included within them, analysis has found.

LULUCF-Nachfolge und Österreich

Es wird ernst: Am 15. Februar 2009 war Abgabetermin für die ersten normalen Stellungnahmen der Staaten zum Nachfolgeprotokoll von LULUCF. Der Bereich LULUCF wird und wurde in der AWG-KP viel diskutiert – österreichische Beiträge dazu findet man allerdings nur sporadisch. Somit ist klar, dass jetzt etwas geschehen muss – spätestens bis Mitte 2009 sollten die Länder wissen, was auf sie zukommt und welche Optionen für sie die besten sind.


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by Dr. Radut