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Issue date: 
Jan. 28, 2013

WWF’s Living Forests Report forecasts a tripling of wood consumption in society by 2050 due to rising population and demand

By 2050, rising population and demand, as well as an increase in use of wood for bioenergy, could triple the amount of wood society takes from forests and plantations per year, according to the latest instalment of WWF's Living Forests Report .

Issue date: 
22 January 2013

How Two Different Studies Found Consensus On Emissions From Tropical Deforestation

In order for the United Nations to achieve its goal of reducing carbon emissions from tropical deforestation by 50% between now and 2020, they have to know the amount of emissions that is currently caused by destroying tropical forests.

Issue date: 
16 January 2013

Forestry carbon cash boost could 'help drive forest REDD+ scheme' claims FRA

The news that the World Bank's Forestry Carbon Fund has been boosted by an impressive $180 million in funding, has been welcomed by FRA.

Issue date: 
17 January 2013

Deforestation Drivers: Population, Migration, and Tropical Land Use

The tiny global minority residing in rural frontier areas—how long people remain there; the timing, magnitude, and characteristics of their consumption; and their demographic transitions—promises a vast impact on future tropical deforestation.

Issue date: 

Give land to farmers, and they will stop deforestation

Local residents who have been living together with the forests, considering the forests as their homes, still devastate the forests. It’s because they need land for agricultural production.

Issue date: 
December 4, 2012

MRV as a Trojan Horse for Carbon Markets?

While the spectacular conference centre where the current climate talks are held looks rather unworldly, it is important to look at the realities behind these negotiations. In Paraguay, for example, the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions is deforestation.

Combating climate change on credit

An article of Aljazeera - the topic says everything...

You're buying an airplane ticket online. Scroll to the bottom of the website, and there's an option to "buy carbon credits" to "offset" the climate change-inducing emissions you are about to produce during your flight.

It sounds like an attractive, market-based way to appease your environmental conscience - and quite affordably, too. But what are you actually buying? And how much - if any - difference can it really make in the fight against global warming?

Issue date: 
29 November 2012

The UK sets out new efforts to tackle global deforestation

Energy and Climate Secretary Edward Davey today outlined new innovative plans to tackle deforestation as part of the UK’s international climate change commitments.

Issue date: 
6 December 2012

REDD+: What is needed to make it work for the poor?

Issue date: 
Dec 6, 2012

Norway Pays Brazil for Deforestation Cut Amid Verification Row


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by Dr. Radut