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Issue date: 
6 June 2012

The Israelis saving the rainforests

A company owned by Israeli entrepreneurs will manage preservation of tropical rainforests of the Central African Republic.

Issue date: 
June 12, 2012

The Gold Standard expands: announcements on forestry & land-use

Based upon consistent stakeholder lobbying and the strongly positive outcome of a 2011 scoping exercise, The Gold Standard Foundation is expanding its project scope into land use and forestry.

Issue date: 
May 21 2012

Green Climate Fund: Critical negotiations ahead

It is heartening indeed to learn that Bangladesh has been nominated by the least developed countries (LDCs) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to help vulnerable countries fight climate risks.

Issue date: 
06 May, 2012

Melbourne eyes Tassie forest investment

City Council could invest in Tasmanian forest plantations protected from harvesting in an effort to become Victoria's first carbon-neutral council.

Issue date: 
May 13, 2012

Norway acts as others drag feet on carbon emissions

Advocates of burying the world's carbon emissions underground have long pushed for a global price on greenhouse gases.

But their goal appears ever more elusive as nations fail year after year to agree on putting a price to carbon worldwide.

Issue date: 
May 7, 2012

EU nations get cold feet over climate change fund

(Reuters) - EU nations have yet to come up with a plan on how to fill a multi-billion euro fund to help tackle climate change, even as the region's executive body hosts talks with countries likely to bear the brunt of extreme weather.

Issue date: 
May 15, 2012

Guayna's GRIF - What happens to the money?

Dear Editor,

Issue date: 
1 April 2012

Nigeria: Nation Gets U.S.$4 Million Grant From UN-REDD

Issue date: 
27th February 2012

Safeguarding REDD+ Finance: Ensuring transparent and accountable international financial flows

Funding forest protection in developing countries poses numerous financial risks: from inefficient allocation through to mismanagement of funds, misappropriation and corruption.

Issue date: 
02 Mar 2012

EIB agrees loan for Chinese forestry projects

London, 2 March (Argus) – The European Investment Bank (EIB) will provide China with a €250mn ($330mn) loan to help fund forestry projects for climate change mitigation, the bank said on 1 March.


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by Dr. Radut