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Illegale Holzschlägerungen

Issue date: 
Mai. 5, 2010

Printed products - in or out of EU FLEGT?

Issue date: 
May 06, 2010

Illegal logging in Indonesia costing U.S. jobs-report


* Indonesian illegal logging hurting U.S. industry -report

* Trade tools can help clean up the sector

* Illegal logging threat to efforts to fight climate change

Issue date: 
April 2010

Illegal logging in Northwest Russia

The North-West of Russia is a region, where most of the Russian forest products export to Europe is originated.

Issue date: 
March 2010

CSO Representative Reviews UN-REDD and World Bank's Forest Carbon Facility


Issue date: 
Sat, 04/10/2010

Illegal logging ‘must end’ before REDD takes effect

The government should work out how to stamp out long-standing illegal logging within two years if the country wants to secure funding from carbon trading in the forestry sector, say environment activists.

Issue date: 
April 15

Guyana: Illegality in forestry sector significant -study finds

There is a “significant” level of illegality in Guyana’s forestry sector though it is lower than in several other major tropical timber producing countries in South America and around the world, according to a study commissioned by Norway’s Ministry of the Environment.

REDD+, deforestation and illegal logging - how do these things fit toegether?

Sounds to be a simple question - but it isn't:

Banning illegally logged timber will curb deforestation - this is the very simplistic message of Caroline Lucas MEP: UK Green Steps Up Fight Against Illegal Logging In Euro-Parliament:

Issue date: 
February 15, 2010

Illegal logging rampant in Peru

A survey of 78 forestry concessions in Peru found that 46 (59 percent) were in breach of their concession contracts, reports the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).

Monitoring conducted by Peru's Agency for Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife (OSINFOR) during 2009 found that many forestry companies were violating their operating plans by overharvesting timber. OSINFOR president Richard Bustamante warned that some concessions could be canceled and firms fined.

Issue date: 
Mar 1, 2010

Payments for Forest Conservation

I spent a good chunk of last week working with US and Mexican colleagues, looking at data from a forest conservation program in Mexico. This “Payment for Environmental Services” (PES) program is in the highly threatened area where Monarch butterflies stay over winter.

Issue date: 
Monday, 22 February 2010

REDD challenges show up in Sumatra

The practical challenges of successfully tackling deforestation and restoring forests in developing countries have been highlighted by problems facing an otherwise successful forestry programme in Indonesia. One of the country’s model community forestry projects is now being compromised by illegal logging with action so far taken by authorities not enough to halt it even though laws exist to do so, the Jakarta Post reports.


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by Dr. Radut