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Issue date: 
9 December 2010

Norway Spells Out Plan to Fund Kyoto Protocol

A DECISION by the Norwegian government to negotiate post Kyoto Protocol with other countries bilaterally is aimed at sending a strong message to international community that Oslo is committed to address causes of green house gas emissions blamed for causing global warming.

REDD+: The war over forests - all against all

One week of Cancun talks have passed by and I just can't stop wondering!

Seems the world gets more wired any time when people meet for negotiations on what should happen to forests.

Issue date: 
November 2010

Sustainable Forest Management as a Strategy to Combat Climate Change

This study presents the results of recent studies of community forest management in Mexico in the belief that it can inspire other countries and peoples to follow similar paths.

Issue date: 
November 18, 2010

Scientists call attention to 'forgotten forests'

Calling them the forgotten forests, a panel of scientists say cool-weather rainforests like those in Western Oregon store more carbon per acre than tropical rainforests.

Issue date: 
11 November 2010

Tropical forests thrived in ancient global warming

South America's tropical forests flourished when temperatures skyrocketed 56 million years ago. Could this mean that climate change will spare the Amazon?

Issue date: 
10 November, 2010

World Bank should shift carbon focus off hydro – report

The World Bank Group has been urged to curtail buying carbon credits from hydropower projects, shifting the emphasis of its carbon finance activities to areas where it can have more influence.

Issue date: 
November 9th, 2010

How to spend $1m reducing climate change

Suppose you had $1 million to spend on tackling climate change.  How would you spend it to get the best bang for your million bucks?

Issue date: 
25 October 2010

Guyana GRIF: The first money is starting to flow

Some of Norway's forest-payments to buy solar panels, demarcate Amerindian lands., Jagdeo tells World Bank not to dictate, slow-up process greenhouse gases would be spent on land demarcation and providing clean-energy to Amerindian communities.

Issue date: 

Norway says no climate actions without financing

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday the world would likely not be able to reach agreement on climate change-related actions without first striking a deal on climate financing. Addressing the Seventh African Development Forum (ADF-VII), which is dedicated to climate change, he said it would, however, be 'challenging' for developed countries to honour a pledge made at Copenhagen last year to raise US$100 billion annually to finance climate adaptation and mitigation efforts in developing countries.

Issue date: 
Oct. 4, 2010

Saving tropical forests: Value their carbon and improve farming technology

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a warming 21st century, tropical forests will be at risk from a variety of threats, especially the conversion to cropland to sustain a growing population.


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by Dr. Radut