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POST Copenhagen: state of affairs in Mid January 2010

January 21, 2010: Copenhagen deal falters as just 20 countries of 192 sign up to declare their global warming strategies

Issue date: 
January 13, 2010

Interview with Tuvalu Climate Negotiator Ian Fry

Ian Fry, the chief climate change negotiator for Tuvalu, fought on behalf of low-lying island nations during the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, last month.

Issue date: 
December 21, 2009

South American Environmental Trusts Join Columbia Center to Create Amazon Forest Carbon Credits

Five environmental trust funds in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru have joined with Columbia University’s Center for Environment, Economy, and Society to establish the Amazon Forest Carbon Partnership, a collaboration to reduce carbon emissions and provide an economic alternative for forest dwelling communities and commercial enterprises in the Amazon. The issue of forest carbon credit, in which wealthy countries offset their emissions by compensating land holders for preserving forests, was a core point of negotiations at the global climate summit in Copenhagen.
Issue date: 
December 21, 2009

Do they think we are all idiots?

Falling carbon price could result in higher bills, energy firms warn

Issue date: 
December 17, 2009

Climate summit closed to civil society, but remains open to big business

Issue date: 
December 15, 2009

The US discovers forest markets...

Defining how a forest can generate carbon credits could be the one landmark agreement coming out of the UN climate talks in Copenhagen.

Issue date: 
December 11, 2009

Calling WTO to do REDD support?


Carbon Capitalists Warming to Climate Market Using Derivatives


REDD - a climate change mitigation strategy on a critical track

There is a myth about REDD funds, it tells about a lot of funds for many countries.


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by Dr. Radut