Reduction of emission from deforestation and degradation
Issue date:
Apr 27, 2010
Forests Not for Absorbing Carbon, Say Activists
COCHABAMBA, Bolivia, Apr 27 (IPS) - The UN-led global initiative to use forest conservation as a way to offset greenhouse gas emissions heated things up at the people's summit against climate change in Bolivia. In the end, the participants reached a consensus - and rejected the plan.
Economic woes may damage moves to slow deforestation
KUALA LUMPUR/JAKARTA, April 29 (Reuters) - Growing economic pain may increasingly force consumers to turn to palm oil, one of the cheapest cooking oils, a move that could scupper nascent plans to slow deforestation in Southeast Asia.
All carbon is not created equal: One ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated in New York from several McDonalds burgers, for instance, clocking in at 16kg per 1kg of meat, is not the equivalent of one ton of CO2 emitted in a country like South Africa, where energy generated from coal provides ba
Will Forest Carbon Markets Thrive, or Get Lost in the Woods?
For thousands of years, we have been planting and growing trees without difficulty. It’s simple, and forest carbon business strategy can be, too. In fact, it’s core to what I’m trying to teach the MBA/MS students in my course at the Erb Institute this semester: If the world’s best available technology for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is employing the natural photosynthetic capacity of natural forest management, we can too.
But in many ways, we are all unable to see the forests for the trees.
How does carbon trading work? Does it really help tackle climate change? Isn’t it all just smoke and mirrors? Is the Kyoto Protocol doing any good?
These and similar questions are increasingly being asked as the evidence for global warming mounts, scientists tell us more of dramatic climatic impacts we can expect, and pressure for measures to rein in greenhouse gas emissions heightens. At the same time, there are warnings from industry over the costs in jobs, profits and consumer prices that will stem from mandatory carbon trading regulation.