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Reduction of emission from deforestation and degradation

Issue date: 
16 January 2013

Forestry carbon cash boost could 'help drive forest REDD+ scheme' claims FRA

The news that the World Bank's Forestry Carbon Fund has been boosted by an impressive $180 million in funding, has been welcomed by FRA.

Issue date: 
17 Jan 2013

REDD+ District-Level Consultation Workshops in Balochistan Province, Pakistan

ICIMOD and WWF-Pakistan in collaboration with the

Issue date: 
Jan 8, 2013

Development of integrated MRV systems for REDD+ in the SADC region

Title: Development of integrated MRV systems for REDD+ in the SADC region
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conversation and Nuclear Safety

Issue date: 
January 8, 2013

Going from Red to Green; the landscape approach

The UN climate talks in Doha, Qatar left key advocates red in the face due to the inability to agree on the verification of emission reductions required to advance implementation of REDD+.

Issue date: 
28 Dec 2012

District-Level REDD+ Consultation Process Enters Final Stage in Pakistan

In collaboration with the Sindh Forest Department,

Issue date: 
Dezember 28, 2012

Why a project-based approach to REDD+ is inappropriate

It is certainly inappropriate to respond to the apparently slow pace of UNFCCC deliberations by proposing old-fashioned solutions that have been shown to be inadequate. For example, project-based approaches to forest problems have been demonstrated to be ineffective many times over.

Issue date: 
Dezember 22, 2012

REDD+ related risks, opportunities and safeguards for biodiversity conservation – a survey of issues and options in Lao PDR and Ecuador

Intact ecosystems – particularly forests – contain significant amounts of carbon.

Issue date: 
Nov 20, 2012

Getting REDD-ready: two models of coordination and engagement from Africa

Deforestation is a complex problem.

Issue date: 
Dezember 22, 2012

Is There an Ideal REDD+ Program? An Analysis of Policy Trade-Offs at the Local Level

We use economy-wide simulation methods to analyze the outcome of a simple REDD+program in a

Issue date: 

Adaptation, Forests and REDD+; REDD-Net Asia-Pacific Bulletin #6:

Natural disaster management and agriculture tend to dominate discus


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by Dr. Radut