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Issue date: 
2 December 2011

Japan to continue supporting forestry projects in India

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Friday said it will continue to support forestry projects in India by making focussed efforts to rejuvenate the forests and help communities earn a sustainable livelihood.

Issue date: 
1 December, 2011

Forested countries need reassurance that “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off

Developed countries must commit to long-term climate financing and encourage multiple funding pathways to reassure forested countries that their “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off.

Issue date: 
Dec 3, 2011

Mozambique's new forests may not be as green as they seem

MAPUTO — Foreign companies are spending billions of dollars to plant forests in Mozambique, but conservationists fear the investments aren't as good for the environment as they might initially seem.

Issue date: 
November 29th, 2011

A primer on REDD+ and indigenous peoples

Katy Clark and I studied the issue of REDD+ and its implications for indigenous rights as we evaluated a joint project currently being implemented by the Coordinator for

Issue date: 

Plantation plan is the key to future growth, says inquiry

The Australian House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture, Resources, Fisheries & Forestry has issued the findings of its inquiry into the forestry sector.

Issue date: 
December 05, 2011

Global Green Carbon Announces First REDD+ Project in Cameroon

Global Green Carbon Corporation ("Global Green Carbon", "GGC" or the "Company") and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Center for Tropical Research (CTR) consortium announced today that it has received formal Letters of Approval from the Cameroon government to advance feasibility assess

Issue date: 
December 4, 2011

REDD+ draft texts postpone financing decision to 2012, water down safeguards

Latest draft texts on REDD+ that will go forward to a plenary session for approval have postponed a decision on financing to next year and watered down safeguards requirements, leaving REDD+ projects in limbo and indigenous groups unprotected.

Issue date: 
5 December 2011

Africa's Shrinking Forests Need Urgent Help, Climate Change Talks Hear (AfDB)

Forests take up a huge amount of the continent, but are one of Africa's most misunderstood and undervalued natural resources.

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

Climate change, the Big corrupt business?

Goldtooth expresses his misgivings about agriculture being included as part of the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD).

Issue date: 
December 06, 2011

Events Update: Summary of Forest day 5

The fifth Forest Day took place in Durban, South Africa, in parallel with the UN Durban Climate Change Conference, which convened from 28 November – 9 December 2011.


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by Dr. Radut