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Issue date: 
August 26, 2011

Study clears forestry smoke

A study commissioned by Forestry Tasmania shows that 80 per cent of emissions in Tasmania's Huon Valley is from woodheaters, not regeneration burns.

Issue date: 

Significance of forests

Gone are the days of talking only about timber and other forest product in the context of the forest. With these products as it is, another opportunity growing in the forests is carbon. Interestingly, the standing trees could deliver money without dying, and help communities invest on climate-change adaptation.

Issue date: 
August 23, 2011

Is Forest Carbon Just Another Commodity?

As already discussed on Climatico, using REDD+ as a private sector offsetting mechanism runs the risk of creating perverse incentives, exposing la

Issue date: 
August 24, 2011

Ecuador's climate plan worth a look

Developed countries including Canada have insisted it is imperative that developing countries should also shoulder responsibility for combating greenhouse-gas emissions if they expect a truly effective international approach to dealing with climate change.

Issue date: 
August 11, 2011

A modest proposal for wealthy countries to reforest their land for the common good

The Coalition of Financially Challenged Countries with Lots of Trees, known as "CoFCCLoT", representing most of the world's remaining tropical forests is asking wealthy nations to share global responsibilities and reforest their land for the common good of stabilizing climate and protecting biodiversity.

"We are willing to play our part, but we require a level playing field in which we all commit to equal sacrifices," a coalition spokeswoman says.

Issue date: 
24 Aug, 2011

Devil in detail of carbon farming plan

LABOR'S carbon farming initiative (CFI) has passed in the Senate but agricultural groups remain sceptical of its worth until details are made available.

Under the scheme, graziers could sell carbon credits on to businesses to offset emissions.

Issue date: 
August 24, 2011

Pulp Prices Drop

The total stocks of paper indicates that mass market have faced a major price correction. Analyst comments from the Newsagency Direkt is refered in an in the Swedish business magazine Dagens Industri.

Issue date: 
Aug. 26, 2011

Deforestation much higher in protected areas than forests run by local communities

BOGOR, Indonesia _ Tropical forests designated as strictly protected areas have annual deforestation rates much higher than those managed by local communities – reinforcing a challenge to a long-held belief that the best way to conserve forests is to lock them away in protected areas, according t

Issue date: 
17 August 2011

Effectiveness and legitimacy of forest carbon standards in the OTC voluntary carbon market

In recent years, the voluntary over-the-counter (OTC) carbon market has reached a significant market volume.

Issue date: 
25 August, 2011

How “effective” are protected areas in conserving biodiversity?

BOGOR, Indonesia (25 August, 2011)_Traditional means of conservation have entailed the annexation of land where human activities are strictly controlled or curtailed: so-called “fortress conservation”.


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by Dr. Radut