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External News

Issue date: 
Mar 2011

Sappi Fine Paper Europe Envisages the Closure of its Biberist Mill in Switzerland

Brussels, Belgium, Mar 2011 - Sappi Fine Paper Europe envisages the closure of its Biberist Mill in Switzerland in response to market conditions and sustained increases in input costs and begins consultations

As a result of continued overcapacity in the European Coated and Uncoated Fine Paper markets, it has not proved possible to recover the sharply increased costs of raw material and energy over recent years. Sappi has therefore undertaken a review of its European production activities.

Issue date: 
April 1st, 2011

Rising shipping costs for Kiwi exporters

Issue date: 
April 1st, 2011

Australian structural softwood product prices stable

Issue date: 
April 1st, 2011

Japan likely to boost log imports

Hakan Ekstrom, a principal of United States-based Wood Resources International in an article this week said reconstruction of up to 150,000 buildings in northern Japan in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on 11 March 11 will boost NZ log exports.

Issue date: 
April 1st, 2011

World’s biggest biomass plant plan approved

TILBURY could soon be home to the world’s largest biomass plant after its power station got permission to start vital works.reports the UK’s Thurrock Gazette.

Issue date: 
April 1, 2011

EU Parliamentarian worried about the EU forest policy

Issue date: 
31 Mar 2011

As Larger Animals Decline, Forests Feel Their Absence

With giant tortoises, elephants, and other fruit-eating animals disappearing from many of the world’s tropical woodlands, forests are suffering from the loss of a key function performed by these creatures: the dispersal of tree seeds. But a new experiment shows that introduced species may be able to fulfill this vital ecological role. by sharon levy

Issue date: 
March 28th, 2011

Wood First initatives – spreading from B.C. across the country

The Wood First initiative started in British Columbia. Their provincial government passed the Wood First Act in 2009 that requires wood to be considered as the primary building material in all new publicly-funded buildings, such as schools, libraries or sports complexes.

Issue date: 
March 28, 2011

More Thoughts on Foreign Investments in Timberland

My last post generated a couple of comments that referenced FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act) and the likely impact that the law would “keep Asian demand in U.S. timberland muted”. The law has been around since 1981 so I thought that I would take a look at what the impact of foreign investment on timberland has been to date.

Issue date: 
24 Mar 2011

Creating a REDD+ mechanism under UNFCCC


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by Dr. Radut