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External News

Issue date: 
Oct 7, 2010

Swedes look into black pellet production in B.C.

Vattenfall, a company owned by the government of Sweden, is exploring the idea of turning wood from British Columbia's northwest, into pellets to burn in European power plants.

Issue date: 
Oct. 7, 2010

New Ad Says World Bank Plan Deserts Poor, Restricts Fight Against Hunger


WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An http://www.worldgrowth.org/assets/files/WG-Politico%20Ad_10-7-10.pdf" target="_blank" onclick="var

Issue date: 
Oct. 4, 2010

Saving tropical forests: Value their carbon and improve farming technology

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a warming 21st century, tropical forests will be at risk from a variety of threats, especially the conversion to cropland to sustain a growing population.

Issue date: 
Oct. 1, 2010

Government of Canada Announces Details of Major Investment to International Climate Change

WATERLOO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire) -- 10/01/10 -- Today, the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of the Environment, released the details of Canada's $400 million commitment for international climate change while speaking to the Centre for International Governance Innovation's annual conferenc

Issue date: 
29 September 2010

The Great Bear and the big snap

Can a bunch of green snappers save the Great Bear?

The International League of Conservation Photographers hopes so.

Issue date: 
September 29, 2010


Indigenous brothers of the world:

Issue date: 
September 30, 2010

Key advances can be made at Cancun climate meet – Jagdeo

…if developed countries keep commitments

President Bharrat Jagdeo believes that there are key opportunities that can be had at the Cancun, Mexico meeting on climate change that would improve on commitments made in the Copenhagen Accord last year.

Issue date: 
30 Sep 2010

Avoiding Deforestation and Rewarding Forestry Investment

A new project methodology – developed by Australia’s Carbon Planet – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through Improved Forest Management has successfully completed a first independent assessment under the VCS Methodology Approval Process.

Issue date: 
30 Sep 2010

First forestry credits issued under Voluntary Carbon Standard

Issue date: 

Common but Differentiated Responsibilities

According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC), it is the developed countries who contributes most to historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gas, while per capita emission in developing countries remains relatively low.



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by Dr. Radut